# HISTORY ########################################################################
Written by:
Sullivan Beck (sbeck@cpan.org)
Any suggestions, bug reports, or donations :-) should be sent to me.
Version 1.00 1999-11-03
Initial creation
Version 1.10 1999-12-03
Added simple test file to make automatic CPAN scripts work nicer.
Version 1.20 2005-06-29
Added command completion. Patch provided by mmcclure@pneservices.com
Requires Term::ReadLine::Gnu
Changed split to Text::ParseWords::shellwords. mmcclure@pneservices.com
Version 1.21 2008-05-05
Added Build.PL and several other things to meet requirements on
Version 1.22 2008-05-08
Additional changes to meet requirements on http://cpants.perl.org/
Version 1.23 2008-05-09
Final changes to meet requirements on http://cpants.perl.org/
Bug fix so it won't fail with "Too early to specify a build action"
Version 1.24 2021-10-27
Removed Build.PL
Renamed HISTORY to Changes
Bug fix to prevent a warning when hitting <Enter> in interactive mode.
Jake Thoughts