
release 0.2
 - bug fix where failed test since t/lib/ no in distribution
 - fix of deprecated passthrough version of Module::Build to small for Makefile.PL generation

release 0.19
 - put MooseX::Getopt in dependencies within Build.PL
 - package name can be used (i.e. <package>->new_with_cloned_attributes($self, {}) ) but both classes need to utilise the role to do this

release 0.18
 - argv and ARGV attributes excluded from attributes_as_command_options by default, option to include them given

release 0.17
 - excluded_attributes option for attributes_as_command_options

release 0.16
 - bug when attributes are rw with no reader method specified - fixed
 - booleans produced as normally expected with MooseX::Getopt/Getopt::Long in the command_line

release 0.15
 - test correction - added skip to author tests if $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR} not true

release 0.14
 - attributes_as_command_options - takes all built options and returns a string of them (with some exceptions, see POD) as command line options.

release 0.1
 - set up
 - new_with_cloned_attributes method - returns a class object which contains the values in the current class
 - attributes_as_json and attributes_as_escaped_json - a json string which has all currently built attributes unless they are objects. TODO, give option to pass an object using MooseX::Storage