Revision history for Test-NoPlan

0.0.1   20th May 2009
    First version public, released on an unsuspecting world.

0.0.2   21st May 2009
    Export all_plans_ok by default rather than by request since this is why the module is used (see PBP: Exporting)
    Amend test failure message to be a little clearer
    Add in Kwalitee tests
    Amend some prereqs and tests to be optional, for dev work only

0.0.3   25th March 2010
    Add in resource keywords (repository, bugtracker, homepage) to META.yml and Build.PL

0.0.4   7th April 2010
    Allow all_plans_ok constructor method to be changed from create to new, depending on how tests will be called (i.e. single test in file uses 'create', multiple tests should use 'new')

0.0.5   7th April 2010
    Fix silly mistake in 0.0.4 and rework tests accordingly
    Add in 'ignore_files' option
    Add THANKS file

0.0.6   9th April 2010
    Renamed THANKS as AUTHORS