Revision history for Test-Parser.
Mark Wong:
- Fixed the metric calculation for DBT-5.
- Fixed the mix percentage reporting for DBT-5.
Richard Kennedy:
- Fix use of default sort ordering, which was ascii sort not numeric sort
effects the way NO90 is reported
- Fixed calculation of notpm, since rampup transactions were included in
the total from which the rate was calculated
Mark Wong:
- Updates based on base class changes
- Moved html and plotting functions for Test::Parser::Iostat,
Test::Parser::Vmstat, Test::Parser::Sar, and Test::Parser::Dbt2 to
- Added parser for DBT-5.
John Daiker:
- Added call for to_xml() in
- Updated SysbenchCPU to use to_xml() from
- Fixes for
- Documentation updates for perldoc compatibility
Joshua Jakabosky:
- Dbench parser
- Add to_xml() routine
- Add more parameters to base class
- Documentation for Dbench
- Added test for iozone
- Added new parser for iozone
- Added iozone_parser
- Added iozone tests
- Added new parser for sysbench cpu and sysbench fileio
- Renamed tests to be numerically ordered
- Added constant END_OF_RECORD for test parsers to return when
they complete parsing a test log, but notice there's more
data to be parsed
- Renaming,,, to
lowercase for easier autodetection in crucible
1.3 Thu June 29, 17:00:00 2006
- Added new parser for newpynfs
- Added new parser for readprofile
- Added new parser for oprofile
- Added new parser for vmstat
- Added new parser for sysctl
- Added new parser for PostgreSQL options
- Added new parser for iostat
- Added new parser for sar
- Added new parser for dbt-2 test results
1.00 Fri Dec 16 17:52:00 2005
- Added new parser for LTP testruns
- Added test case 03 for LTP logs
0.99 Wed Oct 19 17:44:12 2005
- Added Test::Parser, created by h2xs via addpm 1.00
- original version; created by sdist 1.11