Revision history for Perl extension Test::Smoke::Database.

1.17  2004/04/14 22:37:47  alian
 - parse 1.19 style reports
 - remove -Uuseperlio for blead
 - display Test::Smoke::Database version in cgi
 - display address of cgi at end of run
 - change url for eg of cgi in pod doc

1.16  2003/11/07 17:42:22  alian
 - Remove warnings at import & at graph creation
 - Change some html for nice display

1.15  2003/09/16 15:41:50  alian
 - Update parsing to parse 5.6.1 report
 - Change display for lynx
 - Add top smokers

1.14  2003/08/19 10:37:24  alian
 - FORMAT OF DATABASE UPDATED ! (two cols added, one moved).
 - Add a 'version' field to filter/parser (Eg: All perl-5.8.1 report)
 - Use the field 'date' into filter/parser (Eg: All report after 07/2003)
 - Add an author field to parser, and a smoker HTML page about recent
   smokers and their available config.
 - Change how nbte (number of failed tests) is calculate
 - Graph are done by month, no longuer with patchlevel
 - Only rewrite cc if gcc. Else we lost solaris info
 - Remove ccache info for have less distinct compiler
 - Add another report to tests
 - Update FAQ.pod for last Test::Smoke version
 - Save only wanted headers for each nntp articles (and save From: field).
 - Move away last varchar field from builds to data

1.13  2003/08/15 15:55:07  alian
 - Add a test of report with 't' and '-' on the same line. Now these line
   are no longer registred
 - Update HTML for be able to browse DB with Lynx
 - Add an update_ref method that adjust buggy report
 - Remove SQL request for update archi in admin_smokedb, now done 
   by update_ref
 - Add a link for 'X' status for failed test
 - Add Test::More to prereqs

1.12  2003/08/08 14:27:59  alian
 - Update POD documentation
 - Add proto to methods
 - New interfaces with &
 - Use only dbi method like selectrow_arrayref
 - Speed up display method
 - Fix some SQL request in update_db
 - Use eval for GD::Graph

1.8  2003/07/30 22:07:34  alian
 - Split code for parsing
 - Increase code average from 20% to 85%. Tks to Devel::Cover
 - Correct bugs found with new tests
 - Update output for admin_smokedb

1.6  2003/02/16 18:47:04  alian
 - Update summary table: add number of configure failed, number of make failed.
 - Add legend after summary table
 - Add parsing/display of matrice, as Test::Smoke 1.16_15+ can report more than
 4 columns
 - Correct a bug that add a 'Failure:' in HM Brand Report
 - Add stats about CPAN testers
 - Change default limit for CGI: 18600.
 - Update test files, add some reports.

1.5  2003/02/10 00:58:05  alian
 - Add feature of graph
 - Correct Irix report parsing (no os version)
 - Correct number of failed test
 - Read archi from 1.16 report
 - Update parsing of error of HM Brand reports
 - Update display for cgi
 - Remove --update-archi option. Done after every import

1.4  2003/01/05 21:45:55  alian
 - Fix for parsing hm. brand reports with 5.6
 - Fix test with 5.6

1.3  2003/01/05 01:15:55  alian
 - Add a special parser for HM Brand's reports
 - Remove --rename option
 - Rewrite code for better daily use with no --clear option
 - Add tests for report parsing
 - Update POD

1.2  Mon Dec 30 11:10:48 2002
 - original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
   -X Test/Smoke/Database