Revision history for Perl extension Test::Usage.

  + Same as 0.07_50

  + The fail option is now named 'f' instead of 'fail'.
  + Windows colors are now explicity associated to their package.
  + Added plabels() method.
  + Save Windows color before changing it, so it can be restored.
  + Improved the 'test' file contents.
  + Supplied template renamed to
  + t/t4.t now has "1..1" after the "ok 1", instead of the other way
    round (may have caused failing tests on some platforms; anyway, it
    was wrong the other way round).
  + Now has simpler README.
  + Moved Manual type info from Test/ to Test/Usage/

0.07 Tue Oct 25 10:42:05 2005
  + files() calculates total elapsed time by using the clock rather
    than by adding up subshelled times.
  + t/ doesn't require perl 5.8.3 anymore.
  + Subshelled perl to run files() tests are now invoked with -w.
  + files() now follows symlinks. Should perhaps be an option...

0.06 Wed Jul 13 11:16:00 2005
  + Improved the POD.
  + Summary lines now with more color.
  + Removed methods time_took(), nb_fail(), nb_succ(), died(),
  + Got rid of the TestUsageSample.
  + Supplied a file.

0.05 Thu Jun 23 15:44:07 2005 
  + Fixed issues with spaces in file and directory names.

0.04 Sun Jun 19 01:41:26 2005
  + Improved the docs.
  + Moved TestUsageSample to ./share and improved it.
  + Now supports Win32::Console for color (FR).
  + Now invokes system() with correct quotes for both Unix and Win32,
    and other Unix vs. Win32 fixes (FR).
  + (FR) : Thanks to Fabrice Rivard.
  + Module tests now not in color (simpler to handle).

0.03 Thu May 12 2005
  + Corrected bug: $_D{f}{t} is now {} instead of ''.
  + Now exports labels().
  + files() now has test() not print a '1..N' line.
  + test() and files() can now take a 'c => ...' option.
  + files() now correctly passes 't => ...' to test().
  + files(i => ..., i2 => ...) instead of splitting single 'i'.
  + Now can do files(d => ..., d2 => ...).
  + test(a => ..., e => ...) now take strings only, not arefs.

0.02 Tue Apr 12 00:13:04 2005
  + Default options can now be set in
  + files() now displays the module name before starting its tests.

0.01 Sat Apr  9 21:25:36 2005
  + Original version, refactored from my old Test::TestMod,
    Test::TestMods, and Test::Scenarios modules.