Revision history for Perl extension Text-ANSI-Fold-Util

1.05 2024-12-31T01:36:00Z

    - Text::ANSI::Fold crackwide option was renamed to splitwide

1.04 2024-11-21T08:09:15Z

    - substr with replacement fails for unmatched substring

1.03 2024-11-21T02:46:41Z

    - use Text::ANSI::Fold@2.2701 (support "crackwide")

1.02 2024-11-17T13:08:04Z

    - Share common object of Text::ANSI::Fold

1.01 2022-08-05T23:04:21Z

    - Deprecate expand() and release 1.01.

0.07 2022-08-05T21:45:38Z

    - requires Text::ANSI::Fold@2.1301

0.06 2021-09-03T13:01:26Z

    - Spin-off Text::ANSI::Tabs.

0.05 2020-12-19T03:49:14Z

    - Update to use Text::ANSI::Fold 2.08 to support new tab expansion.

0.04 2020-11-04T06:46:34Z

    - Update to use Text::ANSI::Fold 2.02 to support backspaces.

0.03 2020-10-22T02:02:12Z

    - Update ansi_expand() to optimize line-head tabs.

0.02 2020-10-21T02:47:08Z

    - Introduce ansi_expand() function.

0.01 2020-07-13T08:18:02Z

    - Initial release.