0.35 -> 0.36     4/1/2004 -sdh
suppressed some warnings in value conversion methods 

0.34 -> 0.35     3/31/2004 -sdh
modified publish_email to strip illegal chars to prevent potential
issues with some mailers

tweaked some docs

0.33 -> 0.34     3/12/2001 -modified to coversion of values to use 
first value of array ref as a scalar value if there is only one item 
in the array.

0.32 -> 0.33     12/13/2000 -sdh (not released)
Fixed minor problems in text_process()

Modified set_delimiters() to allow set_delimiters('',''), allowing
the "zeroing" out the delimiters to improve performance SLIGHTLY 
(the less efficient substitutions are ignored if the delimiters are 
zeroed out).  This feature is undocumented.

0.31 -> 0.32     7/3/2000 -sdh
Added "$items" test to sort_method() in Text::Merge::Lists

0.30 -> 0.31	 5/9/2000 -sdh
Added cgi2data() method for converting CGI.pm parameters to data.  This
has to be called as Text::Merge::cgi2data($cgi) or without the $cgi
parameter if you have imported the :standard methods from CGI.pm.

Added de_tab() method and the 'detab' format to convert tab characters 
to spaces in strings.

Added tests for detab filter.

Improved list testing.

0.29 -> 0.30	 3/7/2000 -sdh
Fixed numerous warnings and bugs in the Text::Merge::Lists function

Fixed numerous warnings in type conversion where values are funny
(numeric vs. string, undefined versus empty).

0.28 -> 0.29     11/22/99 -sdh
Fixed backward compatibility issues on function names due to renaming
for AutoLoading in version 0.28.

Reorganized and renamed the test suite for better tracking.  A test
file is now generated using join("\n", ...) to test "line_by_line"
mode on the local system.

Fixed a bug that showed up on some versions of Perl5 as an "empty"
delimiter string.  This appears to be related to a bug in the /o 
regular expression modifier, which seemed to compile our delimiters
as empty at some point in some extreme cases.  It is fixed at the
expense of some efficiency.  I hope to use 'qr' to correct this in
a later version.

0.27 -> 0.28     8/24/99 -sdh
Added AutoLoading for the filter functions.

Added custom tag delimiters (outer brackets only).  See the 
'set_delimiters()' object method.

Put in a default list nesting depth of 3 for nested lists.  See the
'set_max_nesting_depth()' object method for Text::Merge::Lists.

Minor changes to test organization.  Also added two tests for
nesting depth limits.  Added one test for delimiter reassignment.

0.26 -> 0.27	 8/23/99 -sdh
This release mainly adjusts the tests to (hopefully) run on more

Altered 'TestDate' definition in the t/test.pl file to be system
independent using Time::Local to obtain the test value.  
Updated test files to generate the input and output files, instead
of using UNIX files from the tarball.

Added perl program 't/diffutil' instead of using the UNIX 'diff' 
utility.  It's not as robust, but it works for testing.

Fixed 't/test13.t' and 't/test14.t' to clean up after themselves.

0.25 -> 0.26	 7/12/99 -sdh
Improved parse, to allow nesting of non-delimited commands within
delimited commands.

0.24 -> 0.25	 5/17/99 -sdh
Added 'truncate' or 'trunc' instead of just 'trunc' format for text

Improved logic in determining whether template parameter is a text
block, filename, or FileHandle reference.

0.23 -> 0.24	 4/6/99 -sdh
Fixed bug in parameterization of header info in publish_email().  How
did we miss this?  Added 'From' support but the mailer only supports
it for privileged users for obvious reasons.

0.22 -> 0.23	 3/29/99 -sdh
Added conversion of > < & and " in browser_unescape() 
in Merge.pm so that we are compatible with the CGI::Base module (and
probably CGI.pm, too).

0.21 -> 0.22	 3/4/99 -sdh
Fixed bug in test programs to handle no elegant Time Zone conversion
in perl.  Now the test input is constructed before the tests are run.

Added 'paragraph##' and 'indent##' formats for text output.

0.20 -> 0.21	 2/21/99 -sdh
Fixed bug in table style display related to filler cell.

0.18 -> 0.20	 2/11/99 -sdh
Added HTML table style support.

0.17 -> 0.18	 1/29/99 -sdh
Null value now returned on date conversions of empty or zero values.

0.16 -> 0.17	 1/14/99 -sdh
Added the conversion format 'words#' where # is an integer.

0.15 -> 0.16	 1/2/99 -sdh
Installed Test::Harness usage.

Added a defined but empty return value to handle_tag() in
Merge.pm for the exception cases.

Added empty return value when invoking an ACT: with a subroutine
id that is undefined.

Added the sort_list() method to Text::Merge::Lists.

Reduced error messages in Text::Merge::Lists::list_style_template() 

Added url_encode() & url_decode() to the Text::Merge package.

0.14 -> 0.15	 12/23/98 -sdh
Changed namespace from "Publish" to "Text::Merge" per the CPAN 

Fixed typo for line-by-line mode in publish_to() for publishing 
Filename to FileHandle.

0.13 -> 0.14	 12/20/98 -sdh
Fixed bug whereby data was not passed to convert_value() in 
Publish::Lists for the header,footer,divider, and empty components.

0.12 -> 0.13	 12/19/98 -sdh
Fixed warning on null formats in handle_tag()

0.11 -> 0.12     12/18/98 -sdh
Fixed critical linkage bug in publish()