use vCard;
# vCard files should have lines that are a max of 75 octets. When they are too
# long the lines are wrapped. The first character on continued line must be a
# space or a tab. This test makes sure that works.
my $in_file = path( 't', 'unwrap.vcf' );
note "Importing $in_file with Addressbook->load()";
my $address_book = Text::vCard::Addressbook->load( [$in_file] );
my $vcard = $address_book->vcards->[0];
my $expected_content = $in_file->slurp_utf8;
my $actual_content = $vcard->as_string();
# the order in the vcard keys is not preserved so we wil test the only the wrapped lines
my $N = qr(/(N;CH[^\r]\r\n(?:[ \t][^\r]*\r\n)*)/s);
my $ADR = qr(/(ADR;[^\r]\r\n(?:[ \t][^\r]*\r\n)*)/s);
my $NOTE = qr(/(NOTE[^\r]\r\n(?:[ \t][^\r]*\r\n)*)/s);
is $actual_content =~ $N,$expected_content =~ $N, 'vCard->as_string() N ?';
is $actual_content =~ $ADR,$expected_content =~ $ADR, 'vCard->as_string() ADR key?';
is $actual_content =~ $NOTE,$expected_content =~ $NOTE, 'vCard->as_string() NOTE key?';
is $address_book->export(), $actual_content, 'Addressbook->export()';