Revision history for Perl module Tie::Table.

1.1.2  Tue Oct 23 22:50:21 CEST 2001
	- implemented the insert or update syntax
	- added select1 and constraint1 functions
	- name changed from TableMap to Tie::Table
	- added key and order function
	- documentation updates
	- many small bugfixes

1.0  Thu Oct 19 19:56:23 CEST 2000
	- Small bug fix in "invalidate_cache" when called with [] parameter
	- Lot of testing

0.6.1  Sun Jul 10 01:27 2000
	- Added test
	- replace with TableMap::DB, which is more cleaner
	- Small bug fix in the constraint code

0.5.1  Sun Jul  2 20:47:58 2000
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19
	- This is now working, but needs testing outside of the home environment