Revision history for Perl extension Time-List
0.13 2015-06-08T01:41:50Z
- fix forget dereference before keys
- keys $row => keys %$row
0.12 2014-10-29T08:45:12Z
- add array ref filter
0.11 2014-08-04T04:09:59Z
- fix bug
- if summary target has decimal , minus value then summary do not calculate correctly.
0.10 2014-02-25T10:16:31Z
- remove bsd test skip code
0.09 2014-02-17T04:04:16Z
- move skip statement to top on t/000,t/001
0.08 2014-01-06T10:32:03Z
- ADD: "use Time::List::Constant;" to some SYNOPSIS (thanks reneeb)
0.07 2013-12-31T17:17:55Z
- repair SYNOPSIS . thank you reneeb !
- The code which excepts Windows and BSD was added.
- add time::piece into cpanfile for perl 5.8 , 5.10 and other
0.06 2013-12-11T07:48:26Z
- fix can not pass test if Timezone is not JST or UTC
0.05 2013-12-02T23:59:11Z
- fix get monthly list bug if enter a new years
0.04 2013-11-25T08:08:14Z
- add decode_utf8 to value from $TimePiece->strftime
0.03 2013-11-08T13:10:01Z
- remove use 5.16.2 and add require module : Class::Accessor::Lite
0.02 2013-11-06T06:59:37Z
- forgot require moduke : Data::Util
0.01 2013-10-19T07:41:36Z
- original version