Revision history for Perl extension Tk::FileEntry.
2.4 2020-10-28
- do not test POD during install (check for RELEASE_TESTING environment variable)
- cosmetic changes: fix spelling issues, author reference, indentation
2.3 2015-03-08
- added LICENSE file
- reworked readme
2.2 2014-08-12
- lowered Perl requirement to 5.8.8, related to RT #97845 by Slaven
2.1 2014-07-30
- fixed timestamp of changes entry for v2.0
- skipped test using MainWindow for computers not having a display
- removed self-made test suite and replaced by Test::More
- bumped Tk requirement to Tk 804.030 because I can't / don't want to test for an older Tk
- removed bugs section from POD because bumping Tk version requirement makes bug notice obsolete
- removed METHDOS section from POD as there are no met hods to document
- removed duplicate BUGS section
- added example to POD
2.0 2014-07-29
- pimped original version by moving it to the skeleton created by h2xs 1.23 with options -b 5.14.3 -XA -n Tk::FileEntry
- added Changes file
- removed revision control version number stuff
- removed print command for arguments
- user base instead of direct use of @ISA
- moved POD inside the code, documenting all methods
- extended documentation
- switched from Tk::FileSelect to getOpenFile
- removed requires and added it with use pragma (if you are going to use this module, then you are going to use the dependencies as well)
- removed known bug POD related to FileSelect issue - it's not used anymore
- extended fileentry.t
1.4 2013-11-26
- version found on CPAN in Tk::ACH dist v0.04 and on gitpan