0.303   2017-04-25
  * If input string can fit in size, don't perform truncation (issue #2)

0.302   2015-02-01
  * Don't require Test::ZeroCopy for testing

0.301   2015-01-13
  * Fix docs

0.300   2015-01-13
  * Use Inline::Module::LeanDist instead of Inline::Module

0.200   2015-01-09
  * Passes unicode's GraphemeBreakTest.txt test-cases
  * Inline::Filters::Uniprops2Ragel
  * Rewrite perl wrapper in C
  * In-place mode
  * Lots more error checking and decent test coverage
  * Docs

0.102   2015-01-02
  * Use Inline::Filters::* plug-in infrastructure

0.101   2014-12-30
  * Use Inline::Module's new "bundle => 0" feature (thanks Ingy)
  * Tweak docs a bit
  * dev prereqs

0.100   2014-12-30
  * Initial CPAN release