Revision history for WWW-Challonge

1.01	2015-05-19
		* Fixed issues with versions of Perl less than 5.18

1.00	2015-06-18
		* Changed function names to make sense
		* Added test files for all packages
		* Added DateTime validation for creating or updating tournaments

0.31	2015-05-16
		* Updated MANIFEST

0.30	2015-05-13
		* Switched to LWP::UserAgent.
		* Incremented minium Perl version to v5.10.0.
		* Changed warnings/errors to use Carp.
		* Added support for file uploads with WWW::Challonge::Match::Attachment
		* Added author tests
		* POD fixes

0.20	2015-04-18
		* Various POD fixes
		* Added WWW::Challonge::Match::Attachment module. Contains all
		functionality in the Challonge API except the ability to uplaod files,
		which is being worked on.
		* Status is 'testing' for now, as most of the API has been implemented.

0.11	2015-04-13
		* Updated Makefile, status is 'unstable', added repository.

0.10	2015-04-13
		* Updated POD
		* Added WWW::Challonge::Match::attributes

0.01    2015-04-12
		* First version, released on an unsuspecting world.