Revision history for WWW-FMyLife
(format of DD/MM/YY)

0.15    01.04.10
        - patch allowing get_id and last of categories by Gavin Hanover!

0.14    29.01.10
        - disabled error tests

0.13    18.01.10
        - FML gave me a private key, i'm using fixed xml data i got using it

0.12    17.12.09
        - this time fixed tests number in 01-mixed_time.t for real

0.11    15.12.09
        - comment is now Int|EmptyComment, which is an empty hash
        - correct tests number in t/view/01-mixed_time.t
        - removed testing_done() in t/view/01-mixed_time.t

0.10    13.12.09
        - recompiled some tests, mixed them together
        - added more flags for skipping if item not defined
        - updated README (apparently not updated since 0.08)

0.09    05.12.09
        - fixed erred test to check for a general error
        - skip item if it's not defined in view/04-top_day.t

0.08    02.12.09
        - added "vote" attribute to Item
          (hopefully that will fix the failing tests)

0.07    13.09.09
        - fixed bug in test
        - fixed bug in top day/week/month
        - added flop and flop day/week/month + tests
        - removed hardcoded "no critic"s
        - fixed critic test to only run on RELEASE_TESTING
        - adding and fixing POD for Perl::Critic

0.06    07.09.09
        - added no critic for weird critic fails
        - changed AUTHORS section to AUTHOR (critic)
        - fixed spelling error

0.05    04.09.09
        - made immutable

0.04    03.09.09
        - adding top and top variations
         (top_day, top_week, top_month
        - adding random
        - adding tests for them
        - updating pod and fixing it up
        - refactored a lot
        - correcting repository in resources in META.yml

0.03    23.08.09
        - Some POD changes (also including link to WWW::VieDeMerde)

0.02    28.08.09
        - Fixing MANIFEST, META.yml files

0.01    28.08.09 w00t!
        - Created the basic skeleton
        - Added a lot of tests
        - Currently supports last()