Version 0.03 - 7th February 2007
    + Fixed version in POD and other files.
    + Slightly modified POD.
    + Added get_icd() method.
    + Added CREDITS file.
    + Changed get_phonebook() method to use the
      getpin_simple action so as not to reply on
      parsing JavaScript.
    + Changed Build.PL to indicate version 2.032
      of libwww-perl is required for the new
      default_header() method.

Version 0.02 - 30th January 2007
    + Fixed typo in Build.PL to correctly require
      Crypt::SSLeay instead of SSLeay for https support.
    + Added support for new "simple" GET requests.
    + Added basic internal caching support.
    + Added max_size limitation on LWP requests.
    + Added get_email() method.
    + Added package name and version to User-Agent.
    + Updated POD.

Version 0.01 - 29th January 2007
    + Initial developer pre-release to save the namespace
      and to discuss API prior to full release.