Revision history for WWW::Grooveshark
July 22, 2009
* added tests and documentation for the tinysong API methods
* releasing version 0.02
July 21, 2009
* added one more user API method and tests
July 19, 2009
* added example script to query the service for a list of its API methods and
their parameters
* minor documentation updates
July 10, 2009
* added "query_string" as a constructor option
* WWW::Grooveshark destructor now destroys the session, if any
* overloaded boolean evaluation of WWW::Grooveshark::Response objects to give
true for success responses and false for fault responses
* wrapped two more service API methods
July 8, 2009
* some documentation fixes
* added "staging" as a constructor option to use the staging server instead
of the live one by default
July 7, 2009
* improved documentation significantly
* "discovered" a few undocumented API methods using the sandbox tool
* releasing version 0.01
July 6, 2009
* added the autoplay, playlist, user, and the rest of the song API methods to
* note: encountered some server-side errors during testing of playlist
July 4, 2009
* added the popular, session, and most of the song API methods to
July 3, 2009
* added AUTOLOADing to WWW::Grooveshark::Response and improved documentation
* added the search, album, and artist API methods to WWW::Grooveshark
July 1, 2009
* created WWW::Grooveshark::Response to encapsulate API responses
June 26, 2009
* original version created