Revision history for WWW-Shorten-Googl

1.100     2016-04-24
    - Testing cleanup seems good. Closes

1.030_001 2016-04-23
    - Git ignore/attributes, mailmap, perltidy, travis-ci
    - Cleaned up Changes log.
    - Added xt/ tests
    - Remove specific Perl version requirement from library
    - Remove ability to use username and password auth at this time.
    - Update docs to represent that we no longer can do user/pass auth.
    - Fixed Perl path in shebang in bin/
    - Add more robust testing
    - Use JSON::MaybeXS instead of JSON::Any
    - Use URI instead of manually making query options
    - Use HTTP::Request to build a request

1.02	2011-06-27
    - https protocol is required

1.01	2011-06-24
    - Fix unit test

1.00    2011-06-23
    - Use the proper Google URL shortening API.
    - Support authentication.
    - Added function 'getlinkstats', to get statistics about link.

0.99    2010-10-06
    - Initial revision