Revision history for WWW-Shorten-ShadyURL
BUG: An actual found or reported bug fix.
FIX: Change toward correct behavior, but unreported.
TST: Changes to test suite.
DOC: Changes to documentation.
NEW: New, previously non-existent feature.
0.03 May 18, 2010
FIX: Cleaned up some constants.
FIX: Removed forgotten debug code.
TST: Additional unit tests, including failure mode tests.
Also, was down for about a week right at release. Pfft.
0.02 May 12, 2010
FIX: Online tests were failing, as ShadyURL decided to become
flaky 2 days after uploading. Made tests conditional.
FIX: Got rid of PREREQ_FATAL; wasn't auto-downloading
WWW::Shorten from CPAN with it set.
DOC: Cleaned up perldoc a bit.
0.01 May 10, 2010
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.