2010-03-27 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@vinyl.webit.de>
* 0.11
* distribution maintenance for newer CPAN toolchains
* moved repository to git
2006-06-09 Steffen Schwigon <schwigon@cpan.org>
* 0.10
* Separate distribution sourced out of
* read_topic() bugfix for TWiki 4.0.2:
The new TWiki version has a different topic raw view mode: the
TEXTAREA isn't inside a FORM. Because of this, read_topic() always
returns empty content. Problem fixed with patch while maintaining
backwards compatibility (I suppose, but I couldn't test it on
older TWiki installations). Reported by Aleksander Adamowski.
* name of sub _htm(p)lparse_get_text() corrected
2005-07-31 ... 2005-01-06 Steffen Schwigon <schwigon@cpan.org>
* Version 0.09...0.01 as Acme::PM::Dresden::TWikiClient.
Here is the accumulated change log:
* attach_to_topic() for uploading files.
* Test::Distribution and Test::Pod::Coverage only used if
explicitely required, because I don't want to fail remote
installation due to those modules, which might change in future.
* save_topic didn't work with some skins, as reported by
Aleksander Adamowski. Now there's better save_topic handling,
hopefully skin independent.
* "Release edit lock" handling
* more correct regexes for orientation in pages
* renamed auxiliary (i.e., non-API) methodnames to _methodname()
* extended and fixed documentation
* POD fixes
* Complete example script that migrates a VQWiki to TWiki
* verbose mode
* Bugfixes