Revision history for WWW-TamperData
0.09	2011 February 17
	Request and Response hooks
	Improved test suite
	Correctly handles missing pre-requisite modules

0.08    2009 June 18
        Fixed missing file in manifest that caused all tests to fail for 0.06 

0.07    2009 June 12
        Updated make procedure to include test data

0.06    2009 June 11
        Updated pod, cosmetic code changes, additional tests

0.05    2009 May 30
        Requests changed to use the HTTP::Request object
        Single request transcripts now work
        Multiple request types now supported (GET, HEAD, POST, etc)
        Callback/filter functions introduced

0.02	2009 May 25
        Fixed some typos and made the module more testing compliant

0.01_1  2009 May 21
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.