0.1 2009-02-05
- Initial very-alpha release.
0.2 2009-02-06
- Fixed an issue with CPAN's indexer.
- Moved Result objects into an separate class
0.3 2009-02-06
- Created a generic "get method" method in WebService::Etsy.
- Simplified the WebService::Etsy::Methods to use the new method.
- Simplified the generate_methods.pl script.
0.4 2009-02-06
- Fixed a bug in WebService::Etsy::Result::Shop - should extend WebService::Etsy::Result::User
0.5 2009-03-05
- Added shop() method to WebService::Etsy::Result::User
- Added listings() method to WebService::Etsy::Result::Shop
- Added listings() method to WebService::Etsy::Result::GiftGuide
- Added children() and spaced() methods to WebService::Etsy::Result::Tag
- Added default_detail() and default_limit() methods and constructor params to WebService::Etsy
- Added logging options
- Restructured the code generating Result objects.
- Added WebService::Etsy::Result::ShopSection and made the Shop object's sections() method return an array of them.
- Made WebService::Etsy::Result::Listing return an array of Tag objects for tags and Material objects for materials.
0.6 2009-03-05
- Renamed WebService::Etsy::Result (and subclasses) to WebService::Etsy::Resource
- Added extra fields to the Feedback resource object
- Removed workaround for bug in getChildTags().
0.7 2010-11-23
- Interim release to provide basic functionality with the v2 API.
- Not all new resources supported.