When hacking on this repo

There are some live tests in xt/ which require real user credentials. All they do is create a file in Google Drive, and then delete it, in order to make sure that things are ACTUALLY running.

If you don't trust me, then please don't run those tests. They're part of the release process, so I'll just run them before releasing.

If you DO trust me (and I'm flattered), then you need to set the GAPI_XT_USER_CREDS environment variable to a string containing the gapi.json file, followed by : followed by the user to user. Like this:


And also set the GAPI_XT_SERVICE_CREDS to the service account file downloaded from Google.

Bug Reporting and General Help Requests

Github Repo Management



Github Repo: [https://github.com/pscott-au/WebService-GoogleAPI-Client]

A few notes

dzil cover -outputdir docs/cover/