Revision history for WebService-NFSN
1.04 2024-04-20
- Added the sync property to DNS objects
- Use FindBin to locate inc::My_Build in Build.PL
1.03 2014-04-30
- Don't use NFSN's internal CA certificate
The API server now uses a Thawte certificate instead.
1.02 2011-12-21
- Require correct version of Exporter
- Fix possible installation problem:
Module::Build needs to be at least 0.36
1.01 2011-11-20
- Fix possible installation problem:
parent needs to be in configure_requires
1.00 2011-11-11
- Require libwww-perl 6.00
- Use parent instead of base
0.10 2011-05-05
- If you have LWP 6.00 or better, WebService::NFSN will now
automatically verify the server's certificate to protect you
against man-in-the-middle attacks.
- Concatenate generated code to use fewer string evals
0.09 2010-11-11
- Use Scalar::Util's reftype instead of UNIVERSAL::isa
- Cleaned up usage of eval and $@ (using Try::Tiny where possible)
- Changed examples/ to get credentials from .nfsn-api
- Switched from Digest::SHA1 to Digest::SHA, because the
latter became a core module in Perl 5.10.
0.08 2008-09-28
- The constructor now reads login credentials from .nfsn-api
if you don't supply them as parameters.
0.07 2008-09-27
- Added the optional ttl parameter to the DNS addRR method.
0.06 2008-08-28
- Added the addSite method to Account objects
- If the authentication timestamp is out of range, appends both
the client's & server's time to the debug field of the error.
0.05 2008-04-25
- Now compatible with JSON::XS 2 (but still works with 1.x).
You can also substitute pure-Perl JSON 2, but it's slower.
0.04 2007-12-19
- Added the listForwards method to Email objects
0.03 2007-08-09
- Added the sites property to Member objects
0.02 2007-07-07
- Now does parameter validation on method calls
Omitting a required parameter now generates a client-side
error. Using an unknown parameter generates a warning.
0.01 2007-04-06
- Initial release