use strict;
use vars qw( $VERSION );
$VERSION = '0.0.1';
sub http_method { 'GET'; }
sub query_class { 'WebService::Recruit::AbRoad::Hotel::Query'; }
sub query_fields { [
'key', 'area', 'country', 'city', 'hotel', 'keyword', 'in_use', 'order', 'start', 'count'
]; }
sub default_param { {
'format' => 'xml'
}; }
sub notnull_param { [
]; }
sub elem_class { 'WebService::Recruit::AbRoad::Hotel::Element'; }
sub root_elem { 'results'; }
sub elem_fields { {
'area' => ['code', 'name'],
'city' => ['code', 'name', 'name_en', 'area', 'country'],
'country' => ['code', 'name', 'name_en'],
'error' => ['message'],
'hotel' => ['code', 'name', 'name_en', 'tour_count', 'city'],
'results' => ['api_version', 'results_available', 'results_returned', 'results_start', 'hotel', 'api_version', 'error'],
}; }
sub force_array { [
]; }
# __PACKAGE__->mk_query_accessors();
@WebService::Recruit::AbRoad::Hotel::Query::ISA = qw( Class::Accessor::Fast );
WebService::Recruit::AbRoad::Hotel::Query->mk_accessors( @{query_fields()} );
# __PACKAGE__->mk_elem_accessors();
@WebService::Recruit::AbRoad::Hotel::Element::ISA = qw( Class::Accessor::Children::Fast );
WebService::Recruit::AbRoad::Hotel::Element->mk_ro_accessors( root_elem() );
WebService::Recruit::AbRoad::Hotel::Element->mk_child_ro_accessors( %{elem_fields()} );
=head1 NAME
WebService::Recruit::AbRoad::Hotel - AB-ROAD Web Service "hotel" API
use WebService::Recruit::AbRoad;
my $service = WebService::Recruit::AbRoad->new();
my $param = {
'area' => 'EUR',
my $res = $service->hotel( %$param );
my $data = $res->root;
print "api_version: $data->api_version\n";
print "results_available: $data->results_available\n";
print "results_returned: $data->results_returned\n";
print "results_start: $data->results_start\n";
print "hotel: $data->hotel\n";
print "...\n";
This module is a interface for the C<hotel> API.
It accepts following query parameters to make an request.
my $param = {
'key' => 'XXXXXXXX',
'area' => 'EUR',
'country' => 'BE',
'city' => 'NYC',
'hotel' => '73393',
'keyword' => 'グランド',
'in_use' => 'XXXXXXXX',
'order' => 'XXXXXXXX',
'start' => 'XXXXXXXX',
'count' => 'XXXXXXXX',
my $res = $service->hotel( %$param );
C<$service> above is an instance of L<WebService::Recruit::AbRoad>.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 root
This returns the root element of the response.
my $root = $res->root;
You can retrieve each element by the following accessors.
=head2 xml
This returns the raw response context itself.
print $res->xml, "\n";
=head2 code
This returns the response status code.
my $code = $res->code; # usually "200" when succeeded
=head2 is_error
This returns true value when the response has an error.
die 'error!' if $res->is_error;
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
RECRUIT Media Technology Labs <>
Copyright 2008 RECRUIT Media Technology Labs