Revision history for WebService::SlimTimer.
0.005 2011-07-25
- Don't fail the simple test if SLIMTIMER_API_KEY is not defined.
- Put opening brace on the same line as "method" keyword to
work around RT bug #61070 in MooseX::Method::Signatures.
0.004 2011-07-20
- Define and use WebService::SlimTimer::VERSION.
- Change constructor POD to use =method instead of =head1.
- Cosmetic fix to slimtimer-report usage message.
- Replace debug module with home brewed debug statements.
- Fix printing out the report for multiple tasks.
0.003 2011-07-18
- Allow to restrict output to single task in the report script.
- Correct typos in and improve list_tasks() documentation.
- Use Getopt::Long::Descriptive for command line options parsing.
- Add time stamps to debug log messages.
0.002 2011-07-07
- Provide examples of methods use in the documentation.
- Add include_completed parameter to list_tasks().
- Improve the documentation.
0.001 2011-07-06
- Initial release.