# $URL$
# $Date$
# $Author$
# $Revision$
Revision history for Wetware-CLI
0.06 2009.05.07 1000h
This is the proof in the pudding that one just sub classes
the Wetware::CLI in the script and goes from there.
0.05 2009.05.07 0931h
Hey, what if there were a way to filter in Test::Load
why then we could have a simpler solution to our problem
and for all FOO there would be a FOO::TestSuite
Now all we need is a tool to gin up the minimum for
FOO::TestSuite for all FOO, or at least validate that
they exist.
0.04 2009.05.06
fix pod. Round out the test suite. look at the idea of
running the code with some sort of
but that just seems like more work.
0.03 Tue May 5 19:41:47 PDT 2009
Have opted to create a Wetware::Test distribution that will deliver
the basic Test::Class::Load module - As well as our basic TestSuite
core set of methods.
There is the problem, that since Wetware::CLI::TestSuite.pm is going to be
in blib, it will cause problems for both
and the t/00_compile_pm.t strategy of:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::Compile;
BEGIN { all_pm_files_ok(); }
If we do not put it in the BEGIN block then we run into the problem
of the INIT {} block for the Test::Class that runs too late, eg:
t/00_compile_pm.t ............. 1/2 Too late to run INIT block at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Wetware/Test/Class.pm line 22.
In the BEGIN Block, we have the problem that it sees
t/00_compile_pm.t ............. 1/2 # Looks like you planned 2 tests but ran 7 extra.
t/00_compile_pm.t ............. Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
All 2 subtests passed
This suggest a problem - that the t/lib/*/TestSuite.pm will be
runable with the basic
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use Test::Class::Load "$Bin/../lib/Wetware/CLI";
which is normally Loading
use Test::Class::Load "$Bin/t/lib/";
to find all of the TestSuite modules...
What ever to Do.
0.02 2009.05.05
basic shape, but what if we want to export the Test::Class
based TestSuite?
0.01 Date/time
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.