Revision history for Perl extension Win32::NTFS::Symlink.

0.10 - 2018-01-23
  - Mile Stone #1
    - Added new sub routines:
      - is_ntfs_symlink
      - is_ntfs_junction
      - ntfs_reparse_tag
    - Added constants (mainly for use with ntfs_reparse_tag())
    - Added prototypes for ntfs_readlink and ntfs_symlink to match built-ins
    - Added prototypes to new sub routines for consistency with readlink()
    - General code improvements and polishing
    - Updated POD to reflect new functions and constants, and polished it
    - Updated tests to check the new functions

0.04 - 2018-01-15
  - Added additional tests:
    - To test if the overriding of built-ins is working as expected
    - To test importing is working properly

0.03 - 2018-01-14
  - Changed from using New() to Newx() in ntfs_readlink.c
  - Added Test::More to testing prerequisites

0.02 - 2018-01-13
  - Added List::Util to dependency list

0.01 - 2018-01-09
  - First release