Revision history for Perl module Win32::Shortkeys
0.01 Tue Oct 3 10:45:25 2017
- original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker 0.56
0.02 Package MySubs -> Win32::Shortkeys::MySubs
0.03 2017.11.29
z as a command abreviation is used to call usleep and
to induce a waiting time
0.04 2018.02.02
ProtocolEncoding arg when parser is created in Ripper->catch
ProtocolEncoding set to the arg received in Shortkeys->parse_file
0.05 2018.02.21 : layers for writing the xml file have to use the :raw ... :crlf mantra to write UTF-16LE and UTF-16 (BE) : Encoding used is iso-8859-1 instead of cp1250 to pass data to clipboard