Revision history for Perl extension Win32::Unicode

0.38    Wed Aug  8 01:31:58 2012
        [NEW FEATURES]
        - added same IO::Handle like methods (suggested by bokutin++)

        - Win32::Unicode::File::slurp more like File::Slurp::slurp.

0.37    Tue Jul 9 02:37:07 2012
        [BUG FIXES]
        - fixed Win32::Unicode::File::read methods was crashing (reported by Thomas Eckardt)
        - added Win32::Unicode::File::flush method (suggested by Thomas Eckardt)

0.36    Tue Jul  3 01:44:48 2012
        [BUG FIXES]
        - fixed Win32::Unicode::Error::_set_errno problem that
          Errno::ERROR_FILE_EXISTS is not defined on ActivePerl. (reported by Yutaka SAITO)

0.35    Mon Jun  4 01:27:16 2012
        [BUG FIXES]
        - fixed may fail to determine the console.
        - fixed cannot read binary file on read file.
        - fixed memory leak on read file.
        - fixed parse arguments logic on Win32::Unicode::Native.

        [NEW FEATURES]
        - support offset on read().

0.34    Mon Nov  7 02:00:06 2011
        [BUG FIXES]
        - fixed broken touchW()

0.33    Mon Nov  7 01:14:46 2011
        - startup faster
        - remove dependent on Win32API::File

0.32    Sun Oct 30 22:33:48 2011
        [BUG FIXES]
        - Win32::Unicode::File
            - fixed a problem that not accept more than one arguments
                (reported by Yukio Sadamatsu)

        [NEW FEATURES]
        - Win32::Unicode::File
            - support say $wfh @args

0.31    Fri Sep 23 19:20:19 2011
        - oops! packing miss!

0.30    Fri Sep 23 19:07:49 2011
        [BUG FIXES]
        - ExtUtils::ParseXS is required at configure time

0.29    Fri Sep 23 16:34:04 2011
        [BUG FIXES]
        - removed auto_include in Makefile.PL (rt: 69719)

0.28    Sat Jul 23 01:05:59 2011
        [BUG FIXES]
        - Win32::Unicode::Console
            - fixed a problem that did not use $_ in sayW. 
        - maybe fixed test

0.27    Sun Jul 17 16:40:25 2011
        [NEW FEATURES]
        - Win32::Unicode::File
            - Added utimeW() method.

0.26    Sun Jul 17 01:49:50 2011
        [BUG FIXES]
        - Win32::Unicode::Console
            - fixed warnings message.
        - Win32::Unicode::File
            - statW() supported directory. (request by ManInBlack)
0.25    Sun Jan  9 17:51:14 2011
        [BUG FIXES]
        - Win32::Unicode::Error
            - Some minor bug fixes.
        - slurp() now works as a function.
        [NEW FEATURES]
        - Win32::Unicode::File
            - Added fileno() and path() method.

0.24    Sat Aug 21 16:07:24 2010
        [BUG FIXES]
        - Fixed the test failture was likely.
        - Remove Test::SharedFork and parent dependence.

0.23    Sat Aug 21 03:11:10 2010
        [BUG FIXES]
        - Win32::Unicode::File
            - Fixed flock not working.
        - Win32::Unicode::Dir
            - dir_list and file_list, If the current directory is not specified, it did not work.
        - Win32::Unicode::Util
            - Removed use bigint (thanks gfx)
        - Win32::Unicode::Dir
            - cptreeW and mvtreeW changed behavior.
        [NEW FEATURES]
        - Win32::Unicode::Dir
            - Added $Win32::Unicode::Dir::dir global valiable.
            - findW supported `bydepth`, `no_chdir`, `preprocess` and `postprocess` options.
        - Win32::Unicode::File
            - Implemented statW.
        - Win32::Unicode::Native
            - Added flock and filename_normalize functions.

0.22    Tue Jul 20 01:29:37 2010 (+900)
        [BUG FIXES]
        - Fixed the test fails.

0.21    Mon Jun 28 23:49:12 2010 (+900)
        [BUG FIXES]
        - Fixed the test fails.
        - Win32::Unicode::Constant
            - Remove unused constants.
        - Win32::Unicode::File
            - Implemented DESTROY
            - Changed this object to IO::Scalar like.
              But api do not change.
        [NEW FEATURES]
        - Win32::Unicode::File
            - Added flock function. But alpha level.

0.20    Sat Jun  5 00:52:31 2010 (+900)
        - Whole
            - Win32::API to eliminate, XS changed.
              Added Win32::Unicode::XS.
        - Win32::Unicode::Process
            - to receive the exit code (thanks Chris Pirazzi)
        - Win32::Unicode::Console
            - Fixed a bug that can not be `0` print.
            - $SIG{__WARN__} and $SIG{__DIE__} compatible.
            - When I was trailing newline, the number of lines not to print.
        - Win32::Unicode::File
            - `seek`, `file_size` work with big file.
        - Win32::Unicode::Native
            - can use Unicode, including arguments.
              @ARGV contains the characters in the utf8 decode.
        - Win32::Unicode::Define
            - deleted.

0.19    Fri May  7 00:31:59 2010 (+900)
        - Whole
            - Supported for cygwin.
            - Created Win32::Unicode::Process.
              BUT ALPHA LEVEL.
            - Moved Win32::Unicode::Encode to Win32::Unicode::Util
        - Win32::Unicode::File
            - file_size is supported large file.
        - Win32::Unicode::Dir
            - Added file_list, dir_list

0.18    Sat Apr 10 17:29:54 2010 (+900)
        - Win32::Unicode::File
            Accelerated "file_type f => $file".
        - Win32::Unicode::Dir
            bug fixed.
                while (defined(my $file = $wdir->fetch)) {
                    # snip ...
            now works.

0.17    Fri Apr  2 15:26:18 2010 (+900)
        - Win32::Unicode::Console
            Added output record separator (allow $\).
            Add to redirect standard output compatible.

0.16    Thu Apr  1 23:35:56 2010 (+900)
        - Win32::Unicode::Console
            supported for redirecting STDERR.
        - tests
            Suppress the warnings

0.15    Thu Mar 18 16:53:26 2010 (+900)
        - Win32::Unicode::Console
            supported console-redirect.

0.14    Sun Feb 28 14:46:56 2010 (+900)
        - Win32::Unicode::Console
            print 'foo', 'bar' ... had stopped working
            because the modified.

0.13    Mon Feb 22 00:52:37 2010 (+900)
        - Win32::Unicode::Console
            When the console steering wheel changed,
            the bug that was not output was corrected.

0.12    Sun Feb 21 19:04:39 2010 (+900)
        - Win32::Unicode::Dir
            little bug fix. # thx report Stefan
            added DESTROY
        - Win32::Unicode::Console
            deep recursive bug fix.
            print $fh $str support.

0.11    Wed Dec 23 03:55:38 2009 (+900)
        - Win32::Unicode::File binmode bug fix.

0.10    Sun Dec 20 18:39:39 2009 (+900)
        - bug fix
        - wrote document.

0.09    Tue Nov  3 21:05:29 2009 (+900)
        - make Win32::Unicode::Native

0.08    Sun Apr  5 01:27:14 2009 (+900)
        - Win32::Unicode::File::filename_normalize added.
        - Win32::Unicode::Dir buffer bug fix

0.07    Sat Mar 28 17:47:28 2009 (+900)
        - many many changes

0.06    forget :P
        - Win32::Unicode::Console
            warnW change @_ -> Carp::shortmess(@_).
            Added a sayW function.
        - Win32::Unicode::FileUtil
            Added file_size, file_type functions.
        - All
            use base Exporter -> use Exporter 'import'
            use Carp qw(...)  -> use Carp ();
        - make Win32::Unicode::Util
        - Win32::Unicode::Dir
            Added mkdirW, rmdirW functions;

0.05    Wed Feb 25 03:53:12 2009 (+900)
        - Win32::Unicode::Console buffer overload bug fix.
        - make Win32::Unicode::FileUtil.
            Win32::Unicode::Dir and Win32::Unicode::File use.
0.04    forget :P
        - make Win32::Unicode::Console.
            Win32::Unicode feature of the Win32::Unicode::Console yielded.
0.03    forget :P
        - make Win32::Unicode::Encode.
            Encoding feature of the Win32::Unicode::Encode yielded.
0.02    forget :P
        - make Win32::Unicode::Dir.

0.01    Sat Feb  7 15:37:40 2009 (+900)
        - original version