Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

# -*- cperl -*-
use Test;
autoflush STDOUT 1;
autoflush STDERR 1;
@xsh_test=grep {!/^\s+#/} split /\n\n/, <<'EOF';
# define assert
def p_assert $cond
{ perl { xsh("unless {$cond} throw concat('Assertion failed \"',\$cond,'\"')") } }
def x_assert $cond
{ perl { xsh("unless ($cond) throw concat('Assertion failed \"',\$cond,'\"')") } }
call x_assert '/scratch';
try {
call x_assert '/xyz';
throw "x_assert failed";
} catch local $err {
unless { $err =~ /^Assertion failed "\/xyz" at/ } throw $err;
# rename
insert chunk '<foo bar="baz"><?hippi value?></foo>' into /scratch
call x_assert '/scratch/foo'
rename :i { s/foo/xyz/ } //*
call x_assert '/scratch/xyz'
rename { uc($_) } /scratch/xyz/@bar
call x_assert '/scratch/xyz/@BAR'
rename { 'abc' } /scratch/xyz/node()
call x_assert '/scratch/xyz/node()[name()="abc"]'
# sort
cd /scratch
del node()
x_assert 'not(/scratch/node())'
insert chunk "<c1>4.2</c1><a10>4.3</a10><b8>-20</b8><d3>-12</d3>" into .
$result := sort *;
p_assert ' join(",",map {$_->nodeName } @$result) eq "d3,b8,c1,a10" ';
$result := sort --numeric *;
p_assert ' join(",",map {$_->nodeName } @$result) eq "b8,d3,c1,a10" ';
$result := sort --key name() *;
p_assert ' join(",",map {$_->nodeName } @$result) eq "a10,b8,c1,d3" ';
$result := sort :k name() *;
p_assert ' join(",",map {$_->nodeName } @$result) eq "a10,b8,c1,d3" ';
$result := sort --key { current()->nodeName } *;
p_assert ' join(",",map {$_->nodeName } @$result) eq "a10,b8,c1,d3" ';
$result := sort --descending --key { current()->nodeName } *;
p_assert ' join(",",map {$_->nodeName } @$result) eq "d3,c1,b8,a10" ';
$result := sort --key string(.) --compare { $a <=> $b } *;
p_assert ' join(",",map {$_->nodeName } @$result) eq "b8,d3,c1,a10" ';
$result := sort --key name() --compare { $a cmp $b } *;
p_assert ' join(",",map {$_->nodeName } @$result) eq "a10,b8,c1,d3" ';
rm */text();
xmove &{ sort :kname() :c{ $a cmp $b } * } into .;
ls .;
call p_assert 'xml_list(".") eq "<scratch><a10/><b8/><c1/><d3/></scratch>"'
$nodes = *
perl { echo xml_list("."),"\n" }
$nodes := sort :k substring(name(),2) :c { $a <=> $b } $nodes;
xmove {@$nodes} into .;
ls {$nodes};
call p_assert 'xml_list(".") eq "<scratch><c1/><d3/><b8/><a10/></scratch>"';
set /scratch/a[5] 'yes';
# Test that number literals are parsed as such.
$index = 5;
x_assert 'count(/scratch/a[$index]) = 1';
x_assert '/scratch/a[$index] = "yes"';
$index = 005.0;
x_assert 'count(/scratch/a[$index]) = 1';
x_assert '/scratch/a[$index] = "yes"';
plan tests => 4+@xsh_test;
END { ok(0) unless $loaded; }
use XML::XSH2 qw/&xsh &xsh_init &set_quiet &xsh_set_output/;
my $verbose=$ENV{HARNESS_VERBOSE};
$::RD_ERRORS = 1; # Make sure the parser dies when it encounters an error
$::RD_WARN = 1; # Enable warnings. This will warn on unused rules &c.
$::RD_HINT = 1; # Give out hints to help fix problems.
print STDERR "\n" if $verbose;
print STDERR "\n" if $verbose;
ok ( XML::XSH2::Functions::create_doc("scratch","scratch") );
print STDERR "\n" if $verbose;
ok ( XML::XSH2::Functions::set_local_xpath('/') );
foreach (@xsh_test) {
print STDERR "\n\n[[ $_ ]]\n" if $verbose;
eval { xsh($_) };
print STDERR $@ if $@;
ok( !$@ );