Changelog for YAML-LoadBundle

v0.4.3 2021-05-06T21:34:09
 - Update README / LICENSE (Brendan Byrd)
 - Fixed spelling error (Sam Varshavchik)
 - lib/YAML/ edited online with Bitbucket (Sam Varshavchik)
 - Implement -clone (

v0.4.2 2020-02-24T21:23:34
 - Run make update (Mark Flickinger)
 - Fix test count (Mark Flickinger)
 - Clone shared references (Steve Grazzini)

v0.4.1 2020-02-21T18:56:04
 - Update README (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
 - Update distribution files (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
 - Add dependencies to cpanfile (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
 - Convert to Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::GSG (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
 - Fix nested -merge behavior (Jonathan Rubin)
 - Test that nested merges work correctly (Jonathan Rubin)

v0.4.0 2016-11-10T21:01:25
 - No changes found

v0.3.0 2018-09-14T16:57:49
 - Fix nested -merge behavior (Jonathan Rubin)
 - Test that nested merges work correctly (Jonathan Rubin)
 - import/flatten shouldn't touch the leaf nodes (Steve Grazzini)
 - Remove dep on Data::Visitor (Steve Grazzini)

v0.001 2016-06-28T18:01:42
 - Add an initial contributing guide (Andrew Fresh)
 - Add a basic README with some information. (Andrew Fresh)
 - Add the LICENSE file as generated by dzil (Andrew Fresh)
 - Public version of YAML::LoadBundle (Andrew Fresh)