package ZConf::DBI::utils; use warnings; use strict; use DBIx::Admin::TableInfo; use DBIx::Admin::CreateTable; =head1 NAME ZConf::DBI::utils - Assorted utilities for ZConf::DBI. =head1 VERSION Version 0.0.0 =cut our $VERSION = '0.0.0'; =head1 SYNOPSIS This is primarily meant for quick small things. If you are going to calling a lot of stuff here repeatively/heavily, you are probally going to be better off making use of what ever is being called by the function directly. =head1 METHODS =head2 new This initiates the object. One arguement is required and it is the 'ZConf::DBI' object. my $foo=ZConf::DBI::util->new($zcdbi); if($foo->error){ warn('error code:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString); } =cut sub new{ my $zcdbi=$_[1]; my $function='new'; my $self={error=>undef, perror=>undef, errorString=>undef, module=>'ZConf-DBI-util', zcdbi=>$zcdbi, }; bless $self; #make sure a object was not passed if (!defined( $self->{zcdbi} )) { $self->{perror}=1; $self->{error}=1; $self->{errorString}='No ZConf::DBI object passed'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return $self; } #make sure it is the correct type of object if (ref($self->{zcdbi}) ne 'ZConf::DBI') { $self->{perror}=1; $self->{error}=2; $self->{errorString}='No ZConf::DBI object passed'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return $self; } return $self; } =head2 create_table This creates a new table using DBIx::Admin::CreateTable->create_table. Three arguements are required. The first is the data source name. The second is the table name. The third is a SQL string describing the columns. $foo->create_table('whatever', 'sometable', 'id char(32) primary key, data varchar(255) not null'); if($foo->error){ warn('error code:'.$error.': '.$foo->errorString); } =cut sub create_table{ my $self=$_[0]; my $dsName=$_[1]; my $table=$_[2]; my $sql=$_[3]; my $function='create_table'; #makes sure we have a data source if (!defined($dsName)) { $self->{error}=3; $self->{errorString}='No data source name specified'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } #makes sure we have a table if (!defined($table)) { $self->{error}=5; $self->{errorString}='No table name specified'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } #makes sure we have a table if (!defined($sql)) { $self->{error}=7; $self->{errorString}='No SQL defined'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } #connect my $dbh=$self->{zcdbi}->connect($dsName); if ($self->{zcdbi}->error) { $self->{error}=6; $self->{errorString}='Connect errored'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } #create the dbix object my($admin) = DBIx::Admin::CreateTable->new( dbh=>$dbh, ); if (!defined($admin)) { $self->{error}=4; $self->{errorString}='DBIx::Admin::CreateTable->new returned undef'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } #create it my $returned=$admin->create_table('create table '.$table.' ( '.$sql.' )'); #if the returned value is empty, but defined, it worked if ($returned eq '') { return 1; } #it did not work as the returned value is not equal to '' $self->{error}=8; $self->{errorString}='DBIx::Admin::CreateTable->create_table errored. error="'.$returned.'"'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } =head2 do This executes the do statement on a DBH created from the data source. Two arguements are required. The first is the data source. The second is the SQL. $foo->create_table('whatever', 'drop sequence fubar;'); if($foo->error){ warn('error code:'.$error.': '.$foo->errorString); } =cut sub do{ my $self=$_[0]; my $dsName=$_[1]; my $sql=$_[2]; my $function='do'; #makes sure we have a data source if (!defined($dsName)) { $self->{error}=3; $self->{errorString}='No data source name specified'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } #makes sure we have a table if (!defined($sql)) { $self->{error}=7; $self->{errorString}='No SQL defined'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } #connect my $dbh=$self->{zcdbi}->connect($dsName); if ($self->{zcdbi}->error) { $self->{error}=6; $self->{errorString}='Connect errored'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } return $dbh->do($sql); } =head2 drop_table This drops a table using DBIx::Admin::CreateTable->drop_table. Two arguements are required. The first is the data source name. The second is the table name. $foo->create_table('whatever', 'sometable'); if($foo->error){ warn('error code:'.$error.': '.$foo->errorString); } =cut sub drop_table{ my $self=$_[0]; my $dsName=$_[1]; my $table=$_[2]; my $function='drop_table'; #makes sure we have a data source if (!defined($dsName)) { $self->{error}=3; $self->{errorString}='No data source name specified'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } #makes sure we have a table if (!defined($table)) { $self->{error}=5; $self->{errorString}='No table name specified'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } #connect my $dbh=$self->{zcdbi}->connect($dsName); if ($self->{zcdbi}->error) { $self->{error}=6; $self->{errorString}='Connect errored'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } #create the dbix object my($admin) = DBIx::Admin::CreateTable->new( dbh=>$dbh, ); if (!defined($admin)) { $self->{error}=4; $self->{errorString}='DBIx::Admin::CreateTable->new returned undef'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } #create it my $returned=$admin->drop_table($table); #if the returned value is empty, but defined, it worked if ($returned eq '') { return 1; } #it did not work as the returned value is not equal to '' $self->{error}=8; $self->{errorString}='DBIx::Admin::CreateTable->drop_table errored. error="'.$returned.'"'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } =head2 error Returns the current error code and true if there is an error. If there is no error, undef is returned. my $error=$foo->error; if($error){ warn('error code:'.$error.': '.$foo->errorString); } =cut sub error{ return $_[0]->{error}; } =head2 errorString Returns the error string if there is one. If there is not, it will return undef. my $error=$foo->error; if($error){ warn('error code:'.$error.': '.$foo->errorString); } =cut sub errorString{ return $_[0]->{errorString}; } =head2 table_columns This returns a array reference of table column names found by DBIx::Admin::TableInfo->columns. There are three arguements taken. The first, and required, is the data source name. The second, and optional, is the schema name. The third, and optional, is the schema. my $tables=$foo->table_columns('tigerline', 'geometry_columns'); if($foo->error){ warn('error code:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString); } =cut sub table_columns{ my $self=$_[0]; my $dsName=$_[1]; my $table=$_[2]; my $schema=$_[3]; my $function='table_columns'; if (!defined($dsName)) { $self->{error}=3; $self->{errorString}='No data source name specified'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } if (!defined($table)) { $self->{error}=5; $self->{errorString}='No table name specified'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } my $dbh=$self->{zcdbi}->connect($dsName); my($admin) = DBIx::Admin::TableInfo->new( dbh=>$dbh, schema=>$schema, ); if (!defined($admin)) { $self->{error}=4; $self->{errorString}='DBIx::Admin::TableInfo->new returned undef'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } return $admin->columns($table); } =head2 table_info This returns a hash reference of table column names found by DBIx::Admin::TableInfo->info. There are two arguements taken. The first, and required, is the data source name. The second, and optional, is the schema name. my $tables=$foo->table_info('tigerline', 'geometry_columns'); if($foo->error){ warn('error "'.$foo->error.'"'); } =cut sub table_info{ my $self=$_[0]; my $dsName=$_[1]; my $schema=$_[2]; my $function='table_info'; if (!defined($dsName)) { $self->{error}=3; $self->{errorString}='No data source name specified'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } my $dbh=$self->{zcdbi}->connect($dsName); my($admin) = DBIx::Admin::TableInfo->new( dbh=>$dbh, schema=>$schema, ); if (!defined($admin)) { $self->{error}=4; $self->{errorString}='DBIx::Admin::TableInfo->new returned undef'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } return $admin->info; } =head2 tables This returns a array refernce of table names found by DBIx::Admin::TableInfo->tables. There are two arguements taken. The first, and required, is the data source name. The second, and optional, is the schema name. my $tables=$foo->tables('tigerline'); if($foo->error){ warn('error "'.$foo->error.'"'); } =cut sub tables{ my $self=$_[0]; my $dsName=$_[1]; my $schema=$_[2]; my $function='tables'; if (!defined($dsName)) { $self->{error}=3; $self->{errorString}='No data source name specified'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } my $dbh=$self->{zcdbi}->connect($dsName); my($admin) = DBIx::Admin::TableInfo->new( dbh=>$dbh, schema=>$schema, ); if (!defined($admin)) { $self->{error}=4; $self->{errorString}='DBIx::Admin::TableInfo->new returned undef'; warn($self->{module}.' '.$function.':'.$self->{error}.': '.$self->{errorString}); return undef; } return $admin->tables; } =head2 errorblank This blanks the error storage and is only meant for internal usage. It does the following. $self->{error}=undef; $self->{errorString}=undef; =cut #blanks the error flags sub errorblank{ my $self=$_[0]; if ($self->{perror}) { warn('ZConf-DevTemplate errorblank: A permanent error is set'); return undef; } $self->{error}=undef; $self->{errorString}=undef; return 1; } =head1 ERROR CODES =head2 1 No ZConf::DBI object passed. =head2 2 The passed object is not a ZConf::DBI object. =head2 3 No data source name specified. =head2 4 DBIx::Admin::TableInfo->new returned undef. =head2 5 No table specified. =head2 6 Connect errored. =head2 7 No SQL defined. =head2 8 Creating the table frailed. =head2 9 Dropping the table failed. =head1 AUTHOR Zane C. Bowers, C<< <vvelox at> >> =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-zconf-dbi-utils at>, or through the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc ZConf::DBI::utils You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L<> =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L<> =item * CPAN Ratings L<> =item * Search CPAN L<> =back =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2010 Zane C. Bowers, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1; # End of ZConf::DBI::utils