Revision history for ZConf-Weather
1.0.0 2009-10-23/15:20
-Clean up warings.
-If new does not complete, a permanent error is set.
-Autoinit now happens automatically.
-Set is no longer selectable via new.
-The 'zconf' value in the new args hash is now a ZConf object.
0.1.1 2009-09/01:00
-Correct the manifest.
0.1.0 2009-09-27/0:35
-'getWeather' and 'getWeatherObj' added.
-'run' reworked to use the newly added functions.
0.0.1 2009-03-30/1:00
-'new' now properly checks for the existence of 'weather' instead
of looking for 'bookmarks'.
0.0.0 2009-03-02/6:30
-Initial release.