Revision history for constant::our
0.07 2012-05-13
- Fixed tests for Windows
- Add warn and die tests
- Separate functional and release tests
- Replace option auto_build->cpan in Build.PL
0.06 2011-12-31
- Insert in Build.PL auto_build option
- Add alfa version %package_use, %package_set and %package_set_implicitly
0.05 2011-12-30
- Fixed version in META
- Fixed pod
- Add test versions
0.04 2011-12-29
- Rename MYMETA.yml to META.yml
- Rename MYMETA.json to META.json
0.03 2011-12-29
- Add MYMETA.yml MYMETA.json
- Fixed pod
- Fixed README
0.02 2011-12-28
- Fixed MANIFEST to match contents of dist
- Reformatted pod for constant::our, so narrative text is in ordinary
paragraphs, not verbatim
0.01 2010-12-16
- First version, released on an unsuspecting world.