Revision history for overload-substr
0.04 2025-03-04
* General module style refresh
* Swapped unit tests from `Test::More` to `Test2::V0`
* Support `OP_SUBSTR_LEFT` added in Perl 5.41.8
* Fix for OPfSUBSTR_REPL_FIRST behaviour of perl 5.15.5 onwards
0.02 First non-beta release
0.01_004 CHANGES:
* Use ppport.h for hopefully-better back-compat.
0.01_003 CHANGES:
* Implement LVALUE context, in both get and set forms
0.01_002 CHANGES:
* Support bare name for substr method
* Croak on attempts to be called in LVALUE context
- TODO: actually implement LVALUE context
0.01_001 First version, released on an unsuspecting world.