v2.2.0 2018-03-15 11:07:02 EST Mark Leighton Fisher
- RT fixes are for issues 82034, 84443, 121522, 122210, and
- Updated Changes file to include v2.1.2 changes.
- Fix pmfunc to complain about missing functions.
- Fix pmfunc test to use an example that is (still) a function
(uses Cwd::chdir instead of the obsolete Cwd::getcwd).
- Fix pmfunc POD to use an example that is (still) a function.
- Add pmfunc tests for function signature and function body.
- Fix podpath to detect POD in the file, in case the .pm file
is found before the .pod file.
- Fix faqpods for Fedora, which can put new FAQs in the
$Config{'vendorlib'} directory instead.
- Fix pminst to follow symlinks.
- Fix podgrep to once again accept options (broken when pmtools
started using 'use strict').
- Fix podgrep to eliminate spurious message about Config::Config
(which is actually used only once).
- Added DB() == 1 to Devel::Loaded so you can invoke it like
"perl -dLoaded SCRIPT" instead of "perl -MDevel::Loaded SCRIPT".
NOTE: These changes mean that pmfunc works after all - the example
in the POD was out of date (Cwd::getcwd is no longer a 'sub').
v2.1.2 2018-03-15 14:34:09 EST Mark Leighton Fisher
- RT fixes are for issues 90208, 110691, and 119879.
- Fix for Windows - need to run external Perl programs as
"perl EXTERNALPROGRAM ..." using $^X, otherwise the
return status is wrong.
- Fix t/pmcat.t and t/pmdesc.t for when PODs are separate from their
module files (like Debian and Ubuntu).
- Fixed several Copyright notices.
- Caught repo up to v2.1.2.
- Fixed release tags on GitHub.
- Removed obsolete files.
v2.0.0 2014-02-03 17:59:29 EST Mark Leighton Fisher
- Bumped version to v2.0.0 because of the major architectural
change -- the 'pmtools' module now contains the routine
new_pod_iterator(), which creates an iterator over @INC for
all of the variants of a POD's name ('LIB/MODULE.pm',
'LIB/MODULE.pod', and 'LIB/pod/MODULE.pod'). This change
is for when the POD is separate from its corresponding Perl
module file (and is inspired by an upcoming Debian release).
- Fixed pman and podpath to use new_pod_iterator(). This
should fix rt.cpan.org #89006: "Carp has no POD on my
5.18.1 installation -> still test suite failures with
- Switched to the somewhat-more-standard 3-number versioning
- Removed the increasingly-obsolete 'Makefile.lame'.
v1.54 2013-10-19 14:21:26 EST Mark Leighton Fisher
- Updated $VERSION in the modules and documented it too :)!
v1.53 2013-10-18 17:31:35 EST Mark Leighton Fisher
- Tried to update $VERSION in the modules.
v1.52 2013-09-28 19:00:47 EST Mark Leighton Fisher
- Updated $VERSION in the modules.
v1.51 2013-09-27 06:19:01 EST Mark Leighton Fisher
- NOTE: These are all fixes in the tests.
- Fixed rt.cpan.org 88843, "t/pmall.t takes a long time" by using
a head(1) clone (t/head.pl) to grab just the first 100 lines
of pmall output, then matching against the general form of
pmall output rather than specifically looking for Scalar::Util.
- Fixed the tests to use Tie::Hash (pure Perl) instead of
Scalar::Util, as there may or may not be a ...Scalar/Util.pm
depending on how Perl was packaged and installed (Scalar::Util
can exist as a pure Perl module and (more powerfully) as a mix
of Perl and XS).
- Fixed t/pmfunc.t and t/pmcheck.t to just check $? != 127 (i.e.
the program ran in some way) rather than looking for a specific
exit code. pmfunc does not work again yet, and pmcheck may or
may not return an error depending whether your Perl configuration
is correct.
- Fixed t/pman.t, t/pmcat.t, and t/pmdesc.t to use the Carp module
because Carp always has POD (Tie::Hash may not depending on
the Perl version, and see above for Scalar::Util problems).
v1.50 2013-09-20 17:00:33 EST Mark Leighton Fisher
- This is the "Testing" release of pmtools! All of the
pmtools now have tests.
- Fixed so all programs and modules use a fixed value
(literal) for $VERSION. This seems to work better with
the CPAN toolchain. As I also updated all of the
version numbers, this will fix rt.cpan.org
"#88534: pmtools 1.40: Still has "1.30" in pmtools.pm"
- Fixed so all tests add the pmtools to the PATH, whether
or not the test actually needs it. This should fix
rt.cpan.org "#88780: test failure".
- Fixed pfcat documentation to always refer to "pfcat".
- Fixed rt.cpan.org "#85352: typo fixes".
v1.40 2013-09-04 16:53:36 EST Mark Leighton Fisher
- This is the "Kwalitee" release of pmtools! All of the
Test::Kwalitee and Test::Kwalitee::Extra tests now pass.
- I have (briefly) tested this release on Debian 7.1
with Perl 5.8.8, 5.14.2, and 5.18.1.
- Please note that there are currently only tests for
basepods and faqpods. My current plan is add tests for
all other programs and modules in the next release.
- This is the first release where I used Dist::Zilla to
create the release. A special thanks to David Golden
for bundling some many useful Dist::Zilla plugins
together (Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::DAGOLDEN).
- All programs and modules now 'use strict' and
'use warnings' (part of "Kwalitee").
- Licensing information is now in the LICENSE section
for programs and modules (part of "Kwalitee').
- There are now LICENSE, MYMETA.json, META.yml, and
MYMETA.yml files (part of "Kwalitee").
- Programs are now in the standard location 'bin'.
- Devel::Loaded is now in the standard location
- There is now a 'pmtools' module (lib/pmtools.pm).
- 'pmtools' is now the source of the version number for
all other programs and modules in pmtools. This should
satisfy dsteinbrunner's pull request of April 27, 2013.
- 'pminclude' lists the directories in @INC. This
replaces the poorly-named 'pmdirs' program.
- Documentation for Devel::Loaded has been fixed. This
should satisfy neilbowers' pull request of December 21,
2012 and neilbowers' pull request of July 16, 2013.
- I've fixed some permissions and such that should satisfy
dolmen's pull request of December 25, 2012.
- INTERNAL DETAIL: This version was developed on a
separate branch rather than 'master' (some Git
v1.30 2013-01-18 17:24:19 EST Mark Leighton Fisher
- Moved to Git for source control.
- Added the GitHub repo
- Fixed Devel/Loaded.pm so it is not added to the
output. Thanks to NEILB@cpan.org for spotting this
bug (a modern Perls bug).
- Patched pmeth to flag Perl constants as such (thanks
to jpierce@cpan.org for the patch). XS constants
are not yet marked (some C-fu needs to be applied).
- Patched basepods to use 'pods' as the directory for
the base PODs (modern Perls use 'pods'). Alas, this
appears to be inspired by a CPANgnome, as there was
no Requestor on the ticket. :(
v1.20 2012-12-07 15:25:50 EST Mark Leighton Fisher
- Patched pminst so only unique package names are printed.
Thanks to Matthew Persico for the patch. (Honorable
mention goes to Andrew Pam, but Matthew's patch is
smaller and more robust as it handles an @INC with
directories in any order.)
- Fixed pminst to ignore non-existent directories.
- Added pmcheck, a tool to check that Perl is set up
correctly for use with Perl modules. Currently,
pmcheck only verifies that everything in @INC is an
existing, readable directory.
v1.10 2008-01-18 06:57:21 EST Mark Leighton Fisher
- Added copyrights in my name as well as Tom Christiansen.
- Changed to dual-license like Perl: GNU and Perl Artistic.
This was at the request of the Fedora project, as they
wanted a version of pmtools licensed under GNU.
v1.01 2006-03-21 21:33:52 EST Mark Leighton Fisher
- Two sets of patches from Jose Pedro Oliveira:
1. Added missing pmeth to Makefile.PL.
2. "$mod" was partially renamed to "$module" in my copy; this
patch restores it to "$mod".
- Added Changes and TODO files.
- Updated MANIFEST with Changes and TODO.