Splits an NDArray into `num_slice` slices along `batch_axis`.
Usually used for data parallelism where each slices is sent
to one device (i.e. GPU).
$data : NDArray
A batch of data.
$num_slice : int
Number of desired slices.
$batch_axis=0 : int, default 0
The axis along which to slice.
:$even_split=1 : bool, default True
Whether to force all slices to have the same number of elements.
If `True`, an error will be raised when `num_slice` does not evenly
divide `data.shape[batch_axis]`.
array ref of NDArray
Return value is a array ref even if `num_slice` is 1.
Splits an NDArray into `len(ctx_list)` slices along `batch_axis` and loads
each slice to one context in `ctx_list`.
$data : AcceptableInput
A batch of data.
:$ctx_list : list of Context
A list of Contexts.
:$batch_axis : int, default 0
The axis along which to slice.
:$even_split : bool, default True
Whether to force all slices to have the same number of elements.
list of NDArray
Each corresponds to a context in `ctx_list`.
Rescales NDArrays so that the sum of their 2-norm is smaller than `max_norm`.
Check whether the sha1 hash of the file content matches the expected hash.
filename : str
Path to the file.
sha1_hash : str
Expected sha1 hash in hexadecimal digits.
Whether the file content matches the expected hash.
Download an given URL
$url : str
URL to download
:$path : str, optional
Destination path to store downloaded file. By default stores to the
current directory with same name as in url.
:$overwrite : bool, optional
Whether to overwrite destination file if already exists.
:$sha1_hash : str, optional
Expected sha1 hash in hexadecimal digits. Will ignore existing file when hash is specified
but doesn't match.
The file path of the downloaded file.
Module Install Instructions
To install AI::MXNet, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.