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App::MojoSlides::MoreTagHelpers - More tag helpers for your slides
%= div '#mydiv.myclass' => begin
%= p '.myp.myq' => 'Text'
%= p 'Other Text'
% end
<div id="mydiv" class="myclass">
<p class="myp myq">Text</p>
<p>Other Text</p>
Extra tag helpers useful for templating and slide making
- incremental
%= ul begin %= incremental begin %= li 'Always shown' %= li 'Shown after one click' % end % end %= incremental ul begin %= li 'Always shown' %= li 'Shown after one click' % end <ul> <li ms_overlay="1-">Always shown</li> <li ms_overlay="2-">Shown after one click</li> </ul>
Adds ms_overlay attributes to a sequence of elements with increasing start number. Note that if passed an html element which has only one element, the attributes will be applied to the children of that attribute. Because of this, the two templates above result in the same shown output.
This module wraps lots of the HTML tags (though not all) into helpers. If the helper gets a first argument that starts with #
or .
, that argument is parsed like a selector. Note that only one id (the first) will be used if multiple are given. Note that if id
or class
or attributes are passed by name, they will overwrite these.
While this module wraps a large number of HTML tags some have not been included. Some elements are not included because of conflicts with existing keywords or helpers. Others are not likely to be useful and are not included. This list may change in the future, but common tags which meet the above critera are likely stable.
- a
- aside
- audio
- blockquote
- body
- br
- canvas
- caption
- cite
- code
- col
- colgroup
- div
- dd
- del
- dl
- dt
- em
- embed
- fieldset
- figcaption
- figure
- h1
- h2
- h3
- h4
- h5
- h6
- head
- header
- hr
- html
- i
- iframe
- img
- label
- legend
- li
- noscript
- object
- ol
- optgroup
- option
- output
- p
- pre
- rp
- rt
- ruby
- script
- span
- strong
- style
- table
- tbody
- td
- textarea
- tfoot
- th
- thead
- tr
- ul
- video