sub binding_index_aref

curve, item index = 8, bound to $DATA_SEISMIC_TXT curvefile, item index = 10, bound to $DATA_SEISMIC_TXT picks/mpicks, item index = 35, bound to PL_SEISMIC by default

sub get_max_index

sub set_good_labels

set value labels that are good

sub find_incompatibles not_compatible for the following cases is_absclip && (is_loclip || is_hiclip) 1 1

set value labels that are good

sub get_binding_index_aref

sub file_dialog_type_aref

type of dialog (Data, Flow, SaveAs) is needed by binding
one type of dialog for each index

sub get_file_dialog_type_aref

sub flow_type_aref

sub get_binding_length

sub get_flow_type_aref

sub get_incompatibles

sub get_prefix_aref

sub get_suffix_aref

sub prefix_aref

Include in the Set up sections of an output Poop flow.

prefixes and suffixes to parameter labels are filtered by sunix_pl

getparstring can not parse 2 complex urve file names 1 curve file name with a PATH prefix will work but not 2 e.g., PREFIX/curve1 PREFIX/curve2

sub suffix_aref

Initialize suffixes as empty Assign specific suffixes to parameter values

sub variables

return a hash array 
with definitions