AUTHOR: Juan Lorenzo (Perl module only)
DATE: May 25 2016
DESCRIPTION concatenate a list of files
Version 1
        1.01 June 23 2016
Variable suffix changed to input_suffix 
Package name is the same as the file name
Moose is a package that allows an object-oriented
syntax to organizing your programs

USAGE 1 (todo)

To cat an array of trace numbers


  To cat a defined range of numerically-named


import packages

instantiate new variables

declare local variables


is a special character


an empty list array 

sucat: is a hash of important variables

sub clear:

clean hash of its values


instantiate packages

declare local variables


instantiate packages

declare local variables

sub _set_data_type

set_data_type can be velan,su,txt, cat

sub _set_gather_type

set_gather_type can be cdp,ep,fldr

sub data_type

data_type can be velan,su,txt,mute

bring in packages

instantiate packages

Declare local variables

1.Read a list of file names
2.Read contents of each file in the list
into arrays.

3. Each line of the list uses a file name that indicates
gather number and the other file name in which to find
velocity picks.

4. Sort the cdp or gather number into monotonically increasing
values and rearrange the pick pairs accordingly.

Place contents

of each file in the list into an array.

sort by gather number

sub get_outbound

sub first_file_number_in:

for first_file_number_in numerical file name

sub inbound_directory:

for inbound directory name

sub input_name_extension

use after names and numbers


sub input_name_prefix

use before names and numbers

sub input_suffix

use after dot for all names
e.g., .su

sub last_file_number_in:

for last_file_number_in numerical file name 

sub list:

for list directory name

sub list_directory:

for list directory name

sub number_of_files_in:

for number_of_files_in

sub number_of_files_in:

for number of files to concatenate

sub outbound_directory:

for outbound directory name

sub output_file_name:

for number of files to concatenate

sub set_ist_aref

list array

sub set_outbound

subroutine Step

builds array to concatenate
first_file_number_in line ,
output contacts program name,
successive lines
final output name is provided by user name
add new file names