Bio::DB::Persistent::ObjectRelMapperI - DESCRIPTION of Interface


Give standard usage here


Describe the interface here


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AUTHOR - Hilmar Lapp

Email hlapp at

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The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _


Title : table_name
Usage :
Function: Obtain the name of the table in the relational schema corresponding
to the given class name, object, or persistence adaptor.
Example :
Returns : the name of the table (a string), or undef if the table cannot be
Args : The referenced object, class name, or the persistence adaptor for


Title : association_table_name
Usage :
Function: Obtain the name of the table in the relational schema corresponding
to the association of entities as represented by their
corresponding class names, objects, or persistence adaptors.
Example :
Returns : the name of the table (a string)
Args : A reference to an array of objects, class names, or persistence
adaptors. The array may freely mix types.


Title : primary_key_name
Usage :
Function: Obtain the name of the primary key attribute for the given table in
the relational schema.
Example :
Returns : The name of the primary key (a string)
Args : The name of the table (a string)


Title : foreign_key_name
Usage :
Function: Obtain the foreign key name for referencing an object, as
represented by object, class name, or the persistence adaptor.
Example :
Returns : the name of the foreign key (a string)
Args : The referenced object, class name, or the persistence adaptor for


Title : slot_attribute_map
Usage :
Function: Get/set the mapping for each entity from object slot names to column
Example :
Returns : A reference to a hash map with entity names being the keys, if no
key (entity name, object, or adaptor) was provided. Otherwise,
a hash reference with the slot names being keys to their
corresponding column names.
Args : Optionally, the object, adaptor, or entity for which to obtain
the map.
Optionally, on set a reference to a hash map satisfying the features
of the returned value.