my $is = Bio::JBrowse::Store::NCList::IntervalStore->new({
urlTemplate => "lf-{Chunk}.jsonz",
my $chunkBytes = 80_000;
$is->startLoad( $measure, $chunkBytes );
$is->addSorted([10, 100, -1])
$is->addSorted([50, 80, 1])
$is->addSorted([90, 150, -1])
$is->overlap(60, 85)
=> ([10, 100, -1], [50, 80, 1])
Bio::JBrowse::Store::NCList::IntervalStore - stores a set of intervals (genomic features) in an on-disk lazy nested-containment list
Title : new
Usage : Bio:JBrowse::Store::NCList::IntervalStore->new(
arrayRepr => {attributes => ["start", "end", "strand"]},
Function: create a new store
Returns : an Bio::JBrowse::Store::NCList::IntervalStore object
Args : The Bio::JBrowse::Store::NCList::IntervalStore constuctor accepts the named parameters:
store: optional object with put(path, data) method, will be used to output
feature data
compress: if true, attempt to compress the data on disk
arrayRepr: Bio::JBrowse::Store::NCList::ArrayRepr object used to represent the feature data
urlTemplate (optional): template for URLs where chunks of feature
data will be stored. This is relative to
the directory with the "trackData.json" file
nclist (optional): the root of the nclist
count (optional): the number of intervals in this Bio::JBrowse::Store::NCList::IntervalStore
minStart (optional): the earliest interval start point
maxEnd (optional): the latest interval end point
If this Bio::JBrowse::Store::NCList::IntervalStore hasn't been loaded yet, the optional
parameters aren't necessary. But to access a previously-loaded
Bio::JBrowse::Store::NCList::IntervalStore, the optional parameters *are* needed.
startLoad( $measure, $chunkBytes )
addSorted( \@feature )
overlapCallback( $from, $to, \&func )
Calls the given function once for each of the intervals that overlap the given interval if <$from <= $to
>, iterates left-to-right, otherwise iterates right-to-left.
Title : descriptor
Usage : $list->descriptor
Returns : a hash containing the data needed to re-construct this
Bio::JBrowse::Store::NCList::IntervalStore, including the
root of the NCList plus some metadata and configuration.
The return value can be passed to the constructor later.
Mitchell Skinner <>
Copyright (c) 2007-2011 The Evolutionary Software Foundation
This package and its accompanying libraries are free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the LGPL (either version 2.1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic License 2.0. Refer to LICENSE for the full license text.
Robert Buels <>
This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Robert Buels.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.