CLIPSeqTools::App::reads_long_gaps_size_distribution - Measure size distribution of long alignment gaps produced by a gap aware aligner.
clipseqtools reads_long_gaps_size_distribution [options/parameters]
Measure size distribution of gaps within alignments produced by a gap aware aligner. Reads that have been aligned with a gap aware aligner might map in two distant points on the reference sequence with the intermediate region usually marked in the cigar sting with Ns. Measure the size of these intermediate regions and create a size distribution.
Input options for library.
--driver <Str> driver for database connection (eg. mysql,
--database <Str> database name or path to database file for file
based databases (eg. SQLite).
--table <Str> database table.
--host <Str> hostname for database connection.
--user <Str> username for database connection.
--password <Str> password for database connection.
--records_class <Str> type of records stored in database.
--filter <Filter> filter library. May be used multiple times.
Syntax: column_name="pattern"
e.g. keep reads with deletions AND not repeat
masked AND longer than 31
--filter deletion="def"
--filter rmsk="undef" .
--filter query_length=">31".
Operators: >, >=, <, <=, =, !=, def, undef
--o_prefix <Str> output path prefix. Script will create and add
extension to path. [Default: ./]
Other options.
--plot call plotting script to create plots.
-v --verbose print progress lines and extra information.
-h -? --usage --help print help message