Data::Fallback::Daemon - a daemon for Data::Fallback


Data::Fallback works great at finding data at the fastest place you tell it, but what happens when you keep asking for the same data repeatedly? Well, Data::Fallback::Daemon allow to cache in memory the data, and a simple protocol for retrieving it.


Having one database box and n client boxes doesn't scale too hot for n very large. However, one database box and n client boxes each running their own Data::Fallback::Daemon scales well for large n. So, typical usage in my view is to have local daemons running on each client box.


This example requires DBI and DBD::mysql to be installed on the box.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Data::Fallback;
use Data::Fallback::Daemon;

# first we set up a simple Data::Fallback::Daemon object
my $self = Data::Fallback::Daemon->new({

  # you can change the port if you like
  port            => '20203',

  # reverse_lookups can take awhile when you aren't connected to the web,
  # so I just turn them off for testing purposees
  reverse_lookups => '',

  # we need to include a Data::Fallback object
  fallback => Data::Fallback->new(),

# this is just a dumb test server that I can't guarantee will be up
# generally, db is an array ref of your connection info
my $db = ["DBI:mysql:database=fallback;;port=7777", "fallback", ""];

# loaded_list is a hash ref of all the lists you want to have the daemon maintain
# the hash key state is how the list is referenced
$self->{fallback}{loaded_list} = {
  state => [
      content       => '/tmp/fallback/state_$primary_key',
      package       => 'ConfFile',
      accept_update => 'group',
      db      => $db,
      content => 'SELECT * FROM state WHERE id = ?',
      package => 'DBI',

# all set up, just need to run


Thanks to Paul Seamons for Net::Server and for helping me set up this simple daemon.


Copyright 2001-2002, Earl J. Cahill. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Address bug reports and comments to:

When sending bug reports, please provide the version of Data::Fallback, the version of Perl, and the name and version of the operating system you are using.