EAI::DateUtil - Date and Time helper functions for EAI::Wrap
monthsToInt ($mmm, $locale)
intToMonths ($m, $locale)
addLocaleMonths ($locale, $monthsArray)
get_curdate ()
get_curdatetime ()
get_curdate_dot ()
formatDate ($y, $m, $d, [$template])
formatDateFromYYYYMMDD ($date, [$template])
get_curdate_gen ([$template])
get_curdate_dash ()
get_curdate_dash_plus_X_years ($years)
get_curtime_epochs ()
make_time ($time, [$secondsToAdd])
formatTime ($timeval [$format])
get_curtime ([$format, $secondsToAdd])
get_curtime_HHMM ()
is_first_day_of_month ($date YYYYMMDD)
is_last_day_of_month ($date YYYYMMDD, [$cal])
get_last_day_of_month ($date YYYYMMDD)
weekday ($date YYYYMMDD)
is_weekend ($date YYYYMMDD)
is_holiday ($cal, $date YYYYMMDD)
is_easter ($cal, $date YYYYMMDD)
addCalendar ($cal, $fixedHol hash, $easterHol .. hash, $specialFunction)
first_week ($d,$m,$y,$day,[$month])
first_weekYYYYMMDD ($date,$day,[$month])
last_week ($d,$m,$y,$day,[$month])
last_weekYYYYMMDD ($date,$day,[$month])
convertDate ($date YYYY.MM.DD or YYYY/MM/DD)
convertDateFromMMM ($inDate dd-mmm-yyyy, out $day, out $mon, out $year, [$locale])
convertDateToMMM ($day, $mon, $year, [$locale])
convertToDDMMYYYY ($date YYYYMMDD)
addDays ($day, $mon, $year, $dayDiff, [$locale])
subtractDays ($date, $days)
addDaysHol ($date, $days, [$template, $cal])
subtractDaysHol ($date, $days, [$template, $cal])
addDatePart ($date, $count, $datepart, [$template])
get_lastdateYYYYMMDD ()
get_lastdateDDMMYYYY ()
convertcomma ($number, $divideBy)
convertToThousendDecimal($value, $ignoreDecimal)
get_dateseries ($fromDate, $toDate, $cal)
parseFromDDMMYYYY ($dateStr)
parseFromYYYYMMDD ($dateStr)
convertEpochToYYYYMMDD ($epoch)
EAI::DateUtil contains all date/time related API-calls.
- monthsToInt ($$)
convert from english/german/custom locale short months -> numbers, monthsToInt("Oct","en") equals 10, monthsToInt("mär","ge") equals 3. months and locale are case insensitive.
$mon .. month in textual format (as defined in locale) $locale .. locale as defined in monthsToInt (builtin "en" and "ge", can be added with addLocaleMonths)
- intToMonths ($$)
convert from int to english/german/custom locale months -> numbers, intToMonths(10,"en") equals "Oct", intToMonths(3,"ge") equals "Mär". locale is case insensitive, month is returned with first letter uppercase resp. as it was added (see below).
$mon .. month in textual format (as defined in locale) $locale .. locale as defined in monthsToInt (builtin "en" and "ge", can be added with addLocaleMonths)
- addLocaleMonths ($$)
adds custom locale $locale with ref to array $monthsArray to above conversion functions. locale is case insensitive.
$locale .. locale to be defined $months .. ref to array of months in textual format
- get_curdate
gets current date in format YYYYMMDD
- get_curdatetime
gets current datetime in format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS
- get_curdate_dot
gets current date in format DD.MM.YYYY
- formatDate ($$$;$)
formats passed date (given in arguments $y,$m,$d) into format as defined in $template
$y .. year part $m .. month part $d .. day part $template .. optional, date template with D for day, M for month and Y for year (e.g. D.M.Y for 01.02.2016), D and M is always 2 digit, Y always 4 digit; if empty/nonexistent defaults to "YMD" special formats are MMM und mmm als monthpart, here three letter month abbreviations in english (MMM) or german (mmm) are returned as month additionally a locale can be passed in brackets with MMM and mmm, resulting in conversion to locale dependent months. e.g. formatDate(2002,6,1,"Y-MMM-D[fr]") would yield 2002-Juin-01 for the addLocaleMonths given above.
- formatDateFromYYYYMMDD ($;$)
returns passed date (argument $date) formatted as defined in $template
$date .. date in format YYYYMMDD $template .. same as in formatDate above
- get_curdate_gen (;$)
returns current date in format as defined in $template
$template .. same as in formatDate above
- get_curdate_dash
returns current date in format DD-MM-YYYY
- get_curdate_dash_plus_X_years ($;$$)
$y .. years to be added to the current or given date $date .. optional date to which X years should be added (if not given, then current date is taken instead). $daysToSubtract .. optional days that should be subtracted from above result
returns (current or given) date + X years in format DD-MM-YYYY
- get_curtime_epochs
returns current time in epochs as from builtin function time()
- get_curtime (;$$)
returns current time in format HH:MM:SS + optional $secondsToAdd (or as given in formatstring $format, however ordering of format is always hour, minute and second). Additionally 1 is put in front if adding $secondsToAdd lead to a day overflow.
$format .. optional sprintf format string (e.g. %02d:%02d:%02d) for hour, minute and second. If less than three tags are passed then a warning is "Redundant argument in sprintf at ..." is thrown here. $secondsToAdd .. optional seconds to add to current time before returning
- get_curtime_HHMM
returns current time in format HHMM
- make_time ($;$)
returns localtime datastructure from given $time argument (format HHMMSS) optionally adding $secondsToAdd
$time .. time in format HHMMSS to make a localtime datastructure $secondsToAdd .. optional seconds to add to current time before returning
- formatTime ($;$)
returns formatted time from localtime datastructure $timeval using optional format string $format (defaulting to %02d:%02d:%02d). Supported are format strings containing 1, 2, 3 or 4 %d placeholders.
$timeval .. localtime datastructure that should be formatted $format .. optional sprintf format string (e.g. %02d %02d:%02d:%02d) for (maximum) day, hour, minute and second to return. There can also be three decimals, (hour, minute and second), two (hour, minute) and one (only hour).
- is_first_day_of_month ($)
returns 1 if first day of months, 0 else
$date .. date in format YYYYMMDD
- is_last_day_of_month ($;$)
returns 1 if last day of month, 0 else
$date .. date in format YYYYMMDD $cal .. optional, calendar for holidays used to get the last of month
- get_last_day_of_month ($)
returns last day of month of passed date
$date .. date in format YYYYMMDD
- weekday ($)
returns 1..sunday to 7..saturday
$date .. date in format YYYYMMDD
- is_weekend ($)
returns 1 if saturday or sunday
$date .. date in format YYYYMMDD
- is_holiday ($$)
returns 1 if weekend or holiday
$cal .. holiday calendar; currently supported: AT (Austria), TG (Target), UK (see is_holiday) and WE (for only weekends). throws warning if calendar not supported (fixed lookups or additionally added). To add a calendar use addCalendar. $date .. date in format YYYYMMDD
- is_easter ($$)
returns 1 if date is an easter holiday for that calendar
$cal .. holiday calendar; $date .. date in format YYYYMMDD
- addCalendar ($$$$)
add an additional calendar for calendar holiday dependent calculations
$cal .. name of holiday calendar to be added, warns if already existing (builtin) $fixedHol .. hash of fixed holiday dates for that calendar (e.g. {"0105"=>1,"2512"=>1} for may day and christmas day) $easterHol .. hash of easter holidays for that calendar (possible: {"GF"=>1,"EM"=>1,"ES"=>1,"AS"=>1,"WM"=>1,"CC"=>1}) = good friday,easter monday, easter sunday, ascension day, whitmonday, corpus christi day $specialFunction .. pass ref to sub used for additional calculations; this sub should receive a date (YYYYMMDD) and return 1 for holiday, 0 otherwise.
sub testCalSpecial { my ($y,$m,$d) = $_[0] =~ /(.{4})(..)(..)/; return 1 if $y eq "2002" and $m eq "09" and $d eq "08"; return 0; } addCalendar("TC",{"0101"=>1,"0105"=>1,"2512"=>1,"2612"=>1},{"EM"=>1,"GF"=>1},\&testCalSpecial);
- first_week ($$$$;$)
returns 1 if given date ($d,$m,$y) is the first given weekday ($day: 0 - 6, sunday==0) in given month ($month), if $month is not passed, then it is taken from passed date.
$d .. day part $m .. month part $y .. year part $day .. given weekday $month .. optional, given month
- first_weekYYYYMMDD ($$;$)
returns 1 if given date ($date in Format YYYYMMDD) is the first given weekday ($day: 0 - 6, sunday==0) in given month ($month), if $month is not passed, then it is taken from passed date.
$date .. given date $day .. given weekday $month .. optional, given month
- last_week ($$$$;$)
returns 1 if given date ($d,$m,$y) is the last given weekday ($day: 0 - 6, sunday==0) in given month ($month), if $month is not passed, then it is taken from passed date.
$d .. day part $m .. month part $y .. year part $day .. given weekday $month .. optional, given month
- last_weekYYYYMMDD ($$;$)
returns 1 if given date ($date in Format YYYYMMDD) is the last given weekday ($day: 0 - 6, sunday==0) in given month ($month), if $month is not passed, then it is taken from passed date.
$date .. given date $day .. given weekday $month .. optional, given month
- convertDate ($)
converts given date to format YYYYMMDD
$date .. date in format YYYY.MM.DD or YYYY/MM/DD
- convertDateFromMMM ($$$$;$)
converts date from format dd-mmm-yyyy (mmm as defined in $locale, defaults to "en"glish), returns date in format DD.MM.YYYY ($day, $mon, $year are returned by ref as well)
$inDate .. date to be converted $day .. ref for day part $mon .. ref for month part $year .. ref for year part $locale .. optional locale as defined in monthsToInt (builtin "en" and "ge", can be added with addLocaleMonths)
- convertDateToMMM ($$$;$)
converts date into format dd-mmm-yyyy (mmm as defined in $locale, defaults to "en"glish) from ($day, $mon, $year)
$day .. day part $mon .. month part $year .. year part $locale .. optional locale as defined in monthsToInt (builtin "en" and "ge", can be added with addLocaleMonths)
- convertToDDMMYYYY ($)
converts date into $datestring ( from format YYYYMMDD
$date .. date in format YYYYMMDD
- addDays ($$$$;$)
adds $dayDiff to date ($day, $mon, $year) and returns in format dd-mmm-yyyy (mmm as defined in $locale, defaults to "en"glish), arguments $day, $mon, $year are returned by ref as well if not passed as literal
$day .. day part $mon .. month part $year .. year part $dayDiff .. days to be added $locale .. optional locale as defined in monthsToInt (builtin "en" and "ge", can be added with addLocaleMonths)
- subtractDays ($$)
subtracts $days actual calendar days from $date
$date .. date in format YYYYMMDD $days .. calendar days to subtract
- addDaysHol ($$;$$)
adds $days days to $date and regards weekends and holidays of passed calendar
$date .. date in format YYYYMMDD $days .. calendar days to add $template .. as in formatDate $cal .. holiday calendar; currently supported: NO (no holidays = default if not given), rest as in is_holiday
- subtractDaysHol ($$;$$)
subtracts $days days from $date and regards weekends and holidays of passed calendar
$date .. date in format YYYYMMDD $days .. calendar days to subtract $template .. as in formatDate $cal .. holiday calendar; currently supported: NO (no holidays = default if not given), rest as in is_holiday
- addDatePart ($$$;$)
adds $count dateparts to $date. when adding to months ends (>28 in february, >29 or >30 else), if the month end is not available in the target month, then date is moved into following month
$date .. date in format YYYYMMDD $count .. count of dateparts to add $datepart .. can be "d" or "day" for days, "m"/"mon"/"month" for months and "y" or "year" for years $template .. as in formatDate
- get_lastdateYYYYMMDD
returns the last business day (only weekends, no holiday here !) in format YYYYMMDD
- get_lastdateDDMMYYYY
returns the last business day (only weekends, no holiday here !) in format DDMMYYYY
- convertcomma ($$)
converts decimal point in $number to comma, also dividing by $divideBy before if $divideBy is set
$number .. number to be converted $divideBy .. number to be divided by
- convertToThousendDecimal ($$)
converts $value into thousand separated decimal (german format) ignoring decimal places if wanted
$value .. number to be converted $ignoreDecimal .. return number without decimal places (truncate)
- get_dateseries ($$$)
returns date values (format YYYYMMMDD) starting at $fromDate until $toDate, if a holiday calendar is set in $cal (optional), these holidays (incl. weekends) are regarded as well.
$fromDate .. start date $toDate .. end date $cal .. holiday calendar
- parseFromDDMMYYYY ($)
returns time epoch from given datestring (
$dateStr .. datestring
- parseFromYYYYMMDD ($)
returns time epoch from given datestring (yyyymmdd)
$dateStr .. datestring
- convertEpochToYYYYMMDD ($)
returns datestring (yyyymmdd) from epoch/Time::piece
$arg .. date either as epoch (seconds since 1.1.1970) or as Time::piece object
- convertJulianToYYYYMMDD ($)
returns datestring (yyyymmdd) from julian date (excel representation of dates)
$arg .. date as a julian date (integer/float, counting days from 0.1.1900)
Copyright (c) 2025 Roland Kapl
All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.