FileHash::Entry - Container for data about a file.
use FileHash::Entry;
$obj = FileHash::Entry->alloc;
$ver = FileHash::Entry->dumpversion;
$obj = $obj->init ($path);
$obj = $obj->initFromStat ($path);
$obj = $obj->initFromLine ($format,$line);
$obj = $obj->initFromDump ($fh);
$str = $obj->sprint;
$obj = $obj->print;
$obj = $obj->fprint($fh);
$obj = $obj->dump ($fh);
$path = $obj->path;
$atime = $obj->atime;
$blocksizePreference = $obj->blocksizePreference;
$blocksAllocated = $obj->blocksAllocated;
$ctime = $obj->ctime;
$device = $obj->device;
$deviceNumber = $obj->deviceNumber;
$deviceSpecialId = $obj->deviceSpecialId;
$directory = $obj->directory;
$file = $obj->file;
$gid = $obj->gid;
$gidName = $obj->gidName;
$hardlinks = $obj->hardlinks;
$inode = $obj->inode;
$md5sum = $obj->md5sum;
$mode = $obj->mode;
$mtime = $obj->mtime;
$sizeBytes = $obj->sizeBytes;
$uid = $obj->uid;
$uidName = $obj->uidName;
Inheritance UNIVERSAL
This is an internal class used by FileHashes.
Entry objects are containers for information about files collected from various sources.
use FileHash::Entry;
# Create an entry by collecting metadata about a live file.
my $a = FileHash::Entry->alloc;
$a->initFromStat ("/root/myfile");
# Create another Entry by parsing a line of data.
my $f = FileHash::FormatString->alloc;
$f->init ("path md5sum sizeBytes");
my $b = FileHash::Entry->alloc;
$b->initFromLine ($f, "/root/myfile 0bdebef6bc59cabe489442ef9ddecf5f 10050");
# Dump the object data to a file.
open $fh, ">mydump";
$b->dump ($fh);
close $fh;
# Reload the dumped object data.
my $c = FileHash::Entry->alloc;
open $fh, "<mydump";
$c->initFromDump ($fh);
close $fh;
# print data on the console.
Class Variables
Instance Variables
In most cases an item will be undef if it is not available via the source of information used to create the FileHash::Entry.
device File device portion of file path, non Unix systems.
directory File directory portion of file path.
file File name portion of file path.
deviceNumber Device number.
sizeBytes Size of file in bytes.
uid User id number.
uidName User name in ascii.
gid Group id number.
gidName Group name in ascii.
mode File access mode integer.
atime Access time in nonleap seconds since 19700101 UTC.
mtime Modify time in nonleap seconds since 19700101 UTC.
ctime Create time in nonleap seconds since 19700101 UTC.
inode File Inode number.
hardlinks Number of hard links to file.
deviceSpecialId Device special id, integer.
blocksizePreference Preferred block size in bytes.
blocksAllocated Number of blocks allocated to the file.
md5sum md5sum of file content.
notepad A Notepad object to record unusual events.
Class Methods
- $obj = FileHash::Entry->alloc
Allocate an empty FileHash Entry object.
- $ver = FileHash::Entry->dumpversion
Return the FileHash Entry dump format version id.
Instance Methods for printing
- $atime = $obj->atime
Return the file atime or 0 if not known.
- $blocksizePreference = $obj->blocksizePreference
Return the file blocksizePreference or "undef" if not known.
- $blocksAllocated = $obj->blocksAllocated
Return the file blocksAllocated or "undef" if not known.
- $ctime = $obj->ctime
Return the file ctime or 0 if not known.
- $device = $obj->device
Return the file device or "" if not known.
- $deviceNumber = $obj->deviceNumber
Return the file deviceNumber or "undef" if not known.
- $deviceSpecialId = $obj->deviceSpecialId
Return the file deviceSpecialId or "undef" if not known.
- $directory = $obj->directory
Return the file directory or "" if not known.
- $file = $obj->file
Return the file name or "" if not known.
- $gid = $obj->gid
Return the file gid or "undef" if not known.
- $gidName = $obj->gidName
return the file gidName or "undef" if not known.
- $hardlinks = $obj->hardlinks
Return the file hardlinks or "undef" if not known.
- $inode = $obj->inode
Return the file inodes or "undef" if not known.
- $md5sum = $obj->md5sum
Return the file md5sum or "undef" if not known.
- $mode = $obj->mode
Return the file mode or "undef" if not known.
- $mtime = $obj->mtime
Return the file mtime or 0 if not known.
- $sizeBytes = $obj->sizeBytes
Return the file size in bytes or 0 if not known.
- $uid = $obj->uid
Return the file uid or "undef" if not known.
- $uidName = $obj->uidName
Return the file uidName or "undef" if not known.
Instance Methods
- $obj = $obj->dump($fh)
Dump contents of the file data entry to one line in the specified file defined by the opened file handle $fh.
Synonym for fprint.
- $obj = $obj->fprint($fh)
Dump contents of the file data entry to one line in the specified file defined by the opened file handle $fh.
Synonym for dump.
- $obj = $obj->init ($path)
Initialize a FileHash Entry object to contain the path name.
- $obj = $obj->initFromDump ($fh)
Replace the alloc'd object with one recreated from a line of dump file data.
- $obj = $obj->initFromLine ($format,$line)
Create a FileHash Entry from the information parsed out of a line of text. A format object defines what information is contained in that line.
- $obj = $obj->initFromStat ($path)
Initialized an object with metadata collected via a 'stat' and 'md5sum' applied to the file at $path.
- $obj = $obj->path
Return the full path name.
- $obj = $obj->print
Dump contents of the file data entry as one line on stdout.
- $str = $obj->sprint
Dump contents of the file data entry as a string. The string is not terminated by a newline.
Private Class Method
Private Instance Methods
- @lexemes = $obj->_lexical_parse ($line,$fields)
This is the point at which the field data is split it needs to handle a mix of blank delimited fields and quoted fields. If want to parse lines of code here, you'll just have to write your own subclass and override this method.
Errors and Warnings
File::Spec, Digest::MD5, Fault::Notepad, Fault::Logger,
FileHash::FormatString, Data::Dumper.
Dale Amon <>
5 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 453:
=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back 4
- Around line 535:
=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back 4
- Around line 588:
=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back 4
- Around line 596:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 603:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'