Game::Xomb - a game featuring @ versus the Xarci Bedo
Xomb is a terminal-based roguelike. Assuming that the development tools (C99 support is required), perl(1), App::cpanminus, and optionally local::lib are installed and setup in a suitable terminal install and run the game via:
cpanm Game::Xomb
Use the ?
key in game to show the help text. The xomb documentation details other useful game information; it should be available once the module is installed via:
perldoc xomb
The remainder of this documentation concerns internal details likely only of interest to someone who wants to modify the source code.
The game is data oriented in design; adding a new floor tile would require a new SPECIES
constant, suitable entries in %Thingy
, %Descript
, and @Level_Features
, and then any additional code for passive effects or whatever. Various routines may need adjustment for a new floor type as there is not a good component system to indicate whether a floor tile is solid, dangerous, etc. A new monster would require similar additions, and would need a custom update_* function for when that critter has an action to make.
Only the player can move, so much of the code assumes that. New player actions would need to be added to %Key_Commands
and suitable code added to carry out the new action.
All entropy comes from the JSF random number generator (see src/jsf.c
). The perl built-in rand
function MUST NOT be used; instead use irand, roll, or one of the other utility functions that call into the JSF code.
There are tests for some of the code, see the t
directory in the module's distribution.
- abort_run
Called by the movement code to determine whether the run should be aborted, e.g. before the player steps to a pool of acid.
indicates whether a run is in progress, and runs are caused by the move_player_runner or move_player_snooze functions, see%Key_Commands
. - apply_damage
Removes hitpoints from the given animate, with complications to report the damage and to mark the game as over (for the player) or otherwise the monster as dead. Calls over to
table entries which return the damage as appropriate for the arguments. - at at_col at_row
These routines move the cursor around the terminal. at takes arguments in col,row (x,y) form.
- apply_passives
Floor tiles can have passive effects that can vary depending on the duration the player is within the cell, or could be a message to the player. See passive_burn, passive_msg_maker.
- await_quit
Waits for the player to quit usually from a submenu.
holds the function that read keys; these could either come fromSTDIN
or from a save game file. - bad_terminal
Indicates whether a terminal exists and is of suitable dimensions.
- bail_out
Called when something goes horribly wrong, usually on fatal signal or internal error.
- between
from the Common LISP Alexandria library. - bypair callback list ...
Calls the callback function with pairs of items from the given list of items.
- coinflip
. Uses the JSF random number generator (seesrc/jsf.c
). - display_cellobjs
Returns a string usually shown in the status bar consisting of the
(item, if any) andMINERAL
(floor tile) of the cell the player is in. - display_hitpoints
Returns a string that prints the player's shield points in the status bar.
- display_shieldup
Returns a string that prints whether and if so what
is being used to regenerate the shield. - distance
Pythagorean distance between two cells, with rounding. Will differ in some cases from the Chebyshev distance that the linecb and walkcb line functions use for an iterations count.
- does_hit
Whether or not the given weapon hits at the given distance, and what the cost of that move was. The cost will be higher if the target is out of range so that the animate will not wake up until the player can be in range.
- extract
Removes a random element from the given array reference and returns it. Uses the JSF random number generator (see
).Note that the original order of the array reference will not be preserved. If that order is important, do not use this call. Order preserving extraction can be done with:
... =
, irand(
), 1;
- fisher_yates_shuffle
Shuffles an array reference in place. Uses the JSF random number generator (see
). - game_loop
Entry point to the game, see
for how this gets called and what needs to be setup before that. Loops using a simple integer based energy system over active animates and calls the update function for each on that gets a go, plus some complications to change the level, etc. - game_over
Called when the game needs to exit for various reasons mostly unrelated to gameplay (terminal size too small, fatal signal).
- generate_map
Generates a level map around where the player is. Various knobs can be found in
. - getkey
Reads a key from the terminal until one in the hash of valid choices is entered. See also
. - has_amulet
Whether the player is carrying (or has equiped) the Amulet.
- has_lost
Exits game with death screen and score.
- has_won
Exits game with win screen and score. Should be the only
exit status of the game. - help_screen
In game information on keyboard command available
- init_jsf
Sets the seed for the JSF random number generator (see
). - init_map
Initial setup of the
. This is in row,col form though points use the col,row form. Each cell (LMC
) hasWHERE
slots that contain a col,row point for the cell, the floor tile, item (if any), and animate (if any). - irand max
Integer random value between
andmax - 1
. Uses the JSF random number generator (seesrc/jsf.c
). - linecb callback x0 y0 x1 y1
Bresenham line function with some features to keep it from going off of the map and to skip the first point and to abort should the callback return
. - log_dim
Used to bold -> normal -> faint cycle log the most recent message (shown at the top of the screen) depending on the age of the message.
- log_message
Adds a message to the log and displays it at the top of the screen.
- loot_value
Returns the value of the loot the player is carrying.
- make_amulet
Creates the amulet and returns it.
- make_gem
Creates a gem and returns it.
- make_monster
Creates a monster and returns it. Suitable parameters must be supplied.
- make_player
Creates the player, places them into the
slot of the@Animates
array, and returns the col,row starting position of the player. generate_map builds the level map around this position. - manage_inventory
A far too complicated routine to inspect, drop, or equip items in the inventory list.
- move_animate
Moves the player around the level map, with various game related complications. See
and move_player_maker. - move_drop
Drops an item from the inventory.
- move_equip
Equips an item from the inventory.
- move_examine
Lets the player move the cursor around the level map to inspect various features.
- move_gate_down
For when the player climbs down the "stairs".
- move_gate_up
For when the player tries to climb up the "stairs".
- move_nop
For when the player rests for a turn.
- move_pickup
Picks an item (if any) up off of the level map.
- move_player_maker
Creates a function suitable for moving the player in a particular direction. See
. - move_player_runner
Creates a function suitable for running the player in a particular direction.
- move_player_snooze
Creates a function suitable for resting with over multiple turns.
- move_quit
Prompts whether they want to quit the game.
- move_remove
Unequips an item (if any).
- nope_regarding
Query the player whether they want to carry out some dangerous move.
- onein max
Returns true if the RNG rolls
within max. Uses the JSF random number generator (seesrc/jsf.c
). - passive_burn
Apply acid damage because the player is in a pool of acid.
- passive_msg_maker
Returns a subroutine that issues a message when a cell is entered into. The cell should probably be made unique with reify first as otherwise all floor tiles of that type will share the same update routine.
- pathable col row points ...
Ensures that a path exists between the given coordinates and the given list of points; used by generate_map to ensure that the player can reach all the gates and gems.
- pick
Picks a random item from the given array reference. Uses the JSF random number generator (see
). - pkc_clear
Clears the PKC error code from the status bar.
- pkc_log_code
Prints a PKC error code in the status bar.
- place_floortype
Used by generate_map to place floor tiles somewhat randomly (brown noise) around the level map, as controlled by
counts. - place_monster
Creates and places a monster onto the level map, and that the monster has not been placed above a hole or in acid.
- plasma_annihilator
Displays and applies splash damage from Fungi attacks.
- raycast_fov
Calculates the FOV for the player and updates various related variables such as what monsters are visible.
- reduce
Reduces a map cell floor tile to
. Some monsters can destroy walls. - refresh_board
Redraw the level map, status bar, and previous message if any.
- reify
Marks a particular level map item (
, typically) as unique, usually so that a passive_msg_maker can be applied to it. - relocate
Handles moving the player from one level map cell to another.
- replay
Replays commands from a save game file. See also
. - report_position
Logs a message showing where the player is on the level map.
- report_version
Logs a message with the game version, seed, and current turn number.
- restore_term
Gets the terminal out of raw mode and more back to normal.
- roll times sides
Dice rolling, so
would beroll(3,6)
. Uses the JSF random number generator (seesrc/jsf.c
). - rubble_delay
Slow the player down when they move in (or into, or out of) rubble.
- sb_update_energy
Update the energy cost of the last move.
- score
Returns a string with the game score in it.
- show_messages
Show all the recent messages in the message log.
- show_status_bar
Prints the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
- show_top_message
Prints the most recent log message at the top of the screen.
- update_fungi
function for fungi. - update_gameover
function for when the player is dead. - update_ghast
function for ghast. - update_mimic
function for mimics. - update_player
function for the player. Failed moves (zero-cost things) are looped over until a move that costs energy is made. Input comes from the$RKFN
which is usually a function that reads from standard input. - update_stalker
function for stalkers. - update_troll
function for trolls. - use_item
Uses an item, possibly swapping it with some existing item.
- veggie_name
Returns a string with the name and value of a vegetable (a gem, or the amulet).
- walkcb
Like linecb but continues until the edge of the level map or until the callback function returns
. - with_adjacent col row callback
Runs the callback function for each cell adjacent to the given coordinates that is within the level map.
HP 100
You plunge into the hole.
HP -140314714594444
'tis but a flesh wound.
Game::PlatformsOfPeril from which this code evolved.
7DRL 2020 -
Vektor - Terminal Redux
Jeremy Mates
Copyright (C) 2020 by Jeremy Mates
This program is distributed under the (Revised) BSD License:
The src
directory code appears to be under a "I wrote this PRNG. I place it in the public domain." license: