GenOO::RegionCollection::Type::DBIC - Class for a collection of GenOO::Region objects stored in a database.


# Object that corresponds to a collection of GenOO::Region objects.
# To initialize 
my $region_collection = GenOO::RegionCollection::DB->new(
    driver      => undef,
    host        => undef,
    database    => undef,
    table       => undef,
    user        => undef,
    password    => undef,
    port        => undef,
    name        => undef,
    species     => undef,
    description => undef,
    extra       => undef,


This class consumes the L<GenOO::RegionCollection> role.
An instance of this class corresponds to a collection of records consuming the L<GenOO::Region>
role.The records are stored in a database (ie MySQL, SQLite, etc) and the class offers methods 
for quering them and accessing specific characteristics (eg. longest record). Internally the class
rests on DBIx::Class for the database access and for defining the appropriate result objects.
Note that the columns which correspond to the required attributes of L<GenOO::Region> must exist
in the table schema (ie. strand, rname, start, stop, copy_number)


# Get the records contained in a specific region
my @records = $region_collection->records_contained_in_region(1,'chr3',127726308,127792250);

# Get the longest record
my $longest_record = $region_collection->longest_record;