HTML::Formhandler::Role::ToJSON - Adds a basic 'TO_JSON' method


package MyApp::Form::Email

use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;

extends 'HTML::FormHandler';
with 'HTML::Formhandler::Role::ToJSON';

has_field 'email' => (
  size => 96,
  required => 1);

has_field 'fname' => (
  size => 96,
  required => 1);

has_field 'lname' => (
  size => 96,
  required => 1);



Most Perl JSON encoders support serializing perl objects via a 'TO_JSON' method. This can be a convenient way to have a standard JSON data structure. ALthough you may find over time a need to write a more custom data structure, this role will offer a basic encoding for error and success states that should be suitable for say support AJAX web forms. It can also serve as a blueprint for your more customized versions as your application needs evolve.


This role creates the following methods.


Returns a Hashref that can be encoded into JSON by a supporting encoding such as JSON. This returns one of two data structures depending on if the form state is valid or not. If the form state is valid it will return a Hashref like the following (examples based on the SYNOPSIS code)

  fields => +{
    email => "jjn\",
    fname => "john",
    lname => "nap"

So in the valid state case you get a hashref with a single key 'fields' which itself is a key to a hashref of the normalized valid form parameters (the values as it uses to update the model).

If it is invalid the hashref looks like this:

  error_by_field => {
    email => [
      "Email field is required"
    fname => [
      "Fname field is required"
    lname => [
      "Lname field is required"
  fields => {
    email => "",
    fname => "",
    lname => ""
  form_errors => []

So again a hashref with three keys: 'fields', which is as it in for the valid result state described above, 'error_by_field' which is a key to a hashref of each form field that has an error condition (the error conditions are given in an arrayref even if there is only one) and a third 'form_errors' which is a key to an arrayref of any form wide errors. Arrayrefs will be empty if there is no related error state.


John Napiorkowski


HTML::Formhandler. Moose::Role


Copyright 2015, John Napiorkowski

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.